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Celia's POV

"Sir you called me" I ran up to Fury. Ever since I've been promoted I go almost everywhere with him. Right now we are at a new base in a secret location.

"Yes Coleson we've discovered something.........well to put t it simply we've found something that will change the world" Fury says.

"Like what don't tell me you've found Captain America frozen in ice" I joke.

"Actually it's just that and something else" Fury has an extremely serious face on.

"Wait what I was joking" I exclaim.

"I'm not" Fury replys. Suddenly his walkie talkie goes off.

"Sir Captain Rogers is running for it."

"I shall arrive in a few moments" Fury answers. We drive to the facility to meet Cap but end up nearly running him over.

"Captain Rogers" I greet.

"Where am I?" Steve asks.

"You've been asleep Cap for a long time" Fury says. Steve looks down he looks really upset.

"Is there something in particular that is upsetting you?" I ask.

"I missed a date" Steve says looking forlorn.

"Well Captain Rogers I'm sorry about all this" I apologize.

"Its not your fault it's the red skulls fault and by the way did we win?"

"Yes we did thanks to to Cap" Fury informs.

"That's good" Steve nods.

"What now?" I ask.

"Now we get Cap settled in this time and I have other things we have to get done" Fury says. We did exactly that we got Cap and apartment, money, and a job at SHIELD. He of course has planted agents around at a times. Fury now has me in the new facility with Dr Selvig.

"Why have I been called here?" Selvig asks.

"We've found something we need you to help is with" Fury informs and opens a case with a glowing blue cube in it.

"What is it?" Selvig and I ask.

"We call it the tesseract it has the potential energy to end or save the world" Fury says. This under no circumstances will end well. I gulp and back up a step or five.

This will most definitely cause a war.

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