61 ~ the ministry

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So I kinda want Draco back in the book xD I recently came up with soooo many ideas so time is going to move fast.. sorry if you don't like that..

Anyways, enjoy!


You ran into the room with Ron, Hermione and Harry when you heard sounds coming from the kitchen. A man with Kreacher and some other house elf you had never seen before, on top of him. They were fighting.

'Harry Potter.. so long it's been.' The tiny house elf said.

'Harry.. you know that house elf as well?' You asked him.

'We all do. That's Dobby. I freed him during my second year.' Harry smiled. 'Dobby, this is Y/N.'

Before Dobby could answer, the man shouted: 'Get off me!'

He stumbled down and eventually Dobby and Kreacher managed to bring him down to the floor. The man, who you thought was probably Fletcher, Got up. A pan hit his head.

'As requested,' Kreacher started.

'Expelliarmus!' Hermione yelled, causing you to miss the rest if his mumbling.

Hermione caught his wand.

'What are you playing at? Setting a pair of bleeding elf on me?'

Dobbt climbed on the table.

'Dobby was only trying to help. Dobby saw Kreacher in Diagon Alley ... which Dobby thought was curious and then Dobby heard Kreacher mention Harry Potter's name. And then Dobby saw Kreacher talking with the thief.'

'Me?! A thief?! You foul little-'

He stopped talking when he noticed you all looking at him.

 'You're a thief, Dung, everyone knows it.'

'Mr. Weasley! So good to see you!'

'Nice shoes.' Ron smiled at him.

Dobby then walked towards you. You looked at the tiny elf and smiled.

'Dobby has never seen you around Hogwarts.'

'That's true.. I joined in the third year. I'm from America. It's nice to meet you.'

'Listen. I panicked, alright? He was right on me and Mad-Eye fell off his broom!'

'You...' Kreacher mumbled.

 'Tell the truth.' You hissed.

'When you turned this place over, don't deny it You found a locket am I right?' Harry said.

'Boy, was it valuable?'

'Have you still got it?' Hermione asked.

'He surely didn't get enough money for it, yet.'

'Bleeding gave it away, didn't I?' He almost whined. 'There I was selling my goods... when some Ministry hag comes up and asks to see my license. she says she would lock me up? Would have done too if she didn't take a fancy to that locket.'

'Who was it? The witch, do you know her?' Harry asked.


He then stopped talking and stared at the ground. He bend down and picked something up.

Oh ! She's there. Look.' He said while putting down a news paper on the table.

Umbridge..  of course.

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