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        " In us lies the seed of wisdom."


     Squeezing the dry weed with all her might, she could feel its little twigs bite into her flesh.  She hoped that a tiny bit of liquid would come out. But like the previously discarded plants scattered on the ground, it was yet another failed attempt.  The leaf was dead.

Sighing out of exhaustion and anger, she threw the weed down in desperation. She couldn't get anything right. Since the day her elixir was stollen, she had been in disarray.

Picking up her dress, she matched like a horse in battle field, she crossed the Garden in no time.

Moving into the inner room quickly to avoid been seen, a greasy voice stopped her on her track.

"Where are you going? Latisha asked, as she moved towards Miranda, swaying her hips, in an elegant white dress, with gold embroidery on its edges.

" Good morning my Lady". Miranda greeted with her head bowed, and hands nicely folded behind her.

"Save your greeting before i strike you!
I believe I asked you a question?". Latisha warned, with  damning look in her eyes.

As perplexed as she was Miranda replied politely. " I was heading inside to collect one of my healing herbs. I was thinking I could use some......" Lady Latisha didn't wait to hear all of it.

"Hold it young woman!
I made it crystal clear to you and all the other girls, that evey herb you mix here, automatically becomes mine!
You can't take anything from Here!" Latisha screeched.

"I'm sorry Lady Latisha, I promise it would never happen again". Miranda spoke quietly.

" Better doesn't. If I find out that you go against my rules, I'll make sure you leave this place without finishing your training.

"Now leave my sight!  Latisha shouted, as she pointed at the door.

Miranda left, not quite understanding why Lady Latisha, had reacted that way to a harmless attempt she had made.

As Latisha watched her leave, she moved to her inner room and unlocked her safe. It had been the one and only gift her miserable father had given her, in his entire existence.

It was falling apart, but she wouldn't dare discard of it, she didn't want his rotted skeletal being bothering her in her sleep, ever again. She needed her beauty sleep and no one was going to take it from her, not even ghosts from her part.

She removed the clear liquid, with its pungent smell. Holding it she held her breath and tried not to puke. She didn't know what the mixture was for, but she had a nagging feeling that it was not yet at its final stage.

She almost knocked it down out of anger, but restrained herself at the last minute. She needed to discover what it was, but how? That was the question.

2 Day's later

       Miranda was sulking, Maria had noticed. She was a happy girl and for her to feel sad, something serious must have gotten to her.

"Hello mother". Miranda greeted absentmindedly, while twirling a blue coloured ribbon.

Maria felt a pang of guilt. " Hello child .You didn't go for training today. I know something has been bothering you, what is it?

Miranda turned big green eyes at Maria. "Its nothing serious mother, you don't have to worry."

"It is everything to worry about my dear. You rarely feel this way.
Once when you were a little girl, you got moody and when I asked, you said your little friend, a lizard, you found in the woods died that morning."

Miranda smiled, and it warmed Maria's heart.

she let out a slow breath. "Okay mother, remember that Pungent mixture you saw in my room the other day?'

" yes I do"

"I have the feeling that I was doing something so great, I know somehow that that herb would have saved so many lives, somehow. Now its all gone."  She let the ribbon fall from her delicate fingers.

"Miranda, listen to me. You started that mixture alone didn't you?" Maria asked.

"Yes mother"

"Then you can do it all over again my dear".

  " Can I? I'm really afraid. I didn't know what I was doing the first time, mother. Miranda cringed.

Maria looked at her with a bright smile. "This time you will".

Looks like someone's got skeletons in their wardrobes...
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