Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Mia's POV

"So, I heard you have something you need to tell me Miss. Summers."

I glanced at him questioningly.

He stepped closer, his signature smirk never leaving his flawless face. Once again, I got lost in those alluring blue eyes.

"You know you can trust me, right?" He said, stepping even closer.

My heart beat erratically in my chest. For every step he took towards me, I found myself taking a step back. The proximity was getting to me, I couldn't form coherent thoughts. They way he was dressed didn't help at all.  

He stood in front of me with absolutely no shirt on.



I wouldn't be surprised if I had drool on my face.

Dark faded denim hung loosely at his hips, showing a glimpse of his V line.

Oh lord, this was pure torture. I wanted him so fucking bad. 

"Yeahh, I-I know," I stuttered. Great, he probably thinks I'm a moron.

His smirk intensified.

The bastard knew how much he affected me...

With a swift step, he pushed me against the wall, pinning my hands above my head. At this point I didn't even care how heavily I was breathing. He lowered his head, bringing his lips to my ear.

"I know you want me, Miss. Summers."

His nose skimmed down the side of my neck and stopped at my collarbone. Leaving a small kiss there, he brought his face back up to look me in my eyes.

"Miss Summers," He whispered.

Why the hell does he keep calling me Miss. Summers?

He let go of my hands and slowly started backing off.

What. The. Hell. Is. Happening?

"Miss. Summers?"

"Miss. Summers..."

Nathan slowly started disappearing. 


I woke up to someone nudging me in my rib cage.

"The teacher's talking to you Mia."

Fucking hell.. Shoot me now...

"Uhm, Mia... you might wanna wipe off your face. I think you were drooling." The girl next to me giggled.

I glared at her, and quickly wiped away the drool with the sleeve of my shirt. Yes, gross, I know.

Dear Earth, now would be the perfect time for you to open up and swallow me.

I glanced around the room.

EVERYONE was staring at me...

My eyes finally met my teacher's annoyed ones.  

"Have I disturbed your precious sleep, Miss. Summers? Oh, I apologize for doing so." He sarcastically stated. What was up his ass this morning?

"No need to be sarcastic," I mumbled. I really wasn't in the mood to put up with him at the moment. I still wasn't over the fact that it was all a dream. 

"That's it, Miss Summers. I will not put up with such rude behaviour. Report to this room after school for your detention." He stated, turning back to the white board to write his notes.

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