New student

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After a few more days of rest I'm allowed to begin classes as long as I don't participate in heavy combat for two weeks. My uniform is altered so that it isn't tight on my back and I'm wearing pants instead of a skirt. The plan was to just jump in and try to get right on with it. Farther didn't want to make a spectacle out of it. I walk slowly to dr. Oobleck's class and when I walk in everyone stares at me as I sit in one of the rows on the right. All of the teachers already know who I am so dr. Oobleck just nods to me and continues with his lesson.

Can anyone tell me an advantage of the Faunus in battle? It's easier to train animals hey I bet Wolfy over there would be a great tool!

I stay in my seat but I glare daggers at him.

Miss Azdra perhaps you have something to add?

I sigh and say each Faunus is different. Some have tails done have ears and I've even seen some Faunus with wings. All of which could be helpful in battle. Oh and there's also a scorpion Faunus. Excellent way of putting it.

So what is yours? Cardin says you've got spikes- Mr. Winchester!

I suggest you keep your mouth shut he says. He continues to talk about the various wars and faunus' traits.

The bell rings and I collect my book and I head to the combat classroom with Glynda Goodwitch. I take a seat exited to watch the others engage in fighting with actual rules.

Ok she says our first pair is .....Oh! She says.

Miss Azdra she says. I look at her please come down to the platform she says.

I nod once she join her and your opponent will be....her brow furows when she says Cardin Whinchester.

Please go get into your battle gear and retrieve your weapons. I nod to her agian and I make my way into the locker room. I go to my locker and I quickly change into my training outfit and I put on my dao blades.

I take one look at his giant mace and sigh inwardly as i realize I'll need to use glpyhs in defense.

I make my way back into the training platform and Cardin and I face off. The I want a nice clean match she says the object she says to me is to make your opponet go down and not get up...without killing them.

I nod once not taking my eyes off of Cardin. Ready? she says I nod agian and I hear Cardin say oh yeah.

I get into a fighting postion and I hear the buzzer and he strikes his mace at me and I move out of the way and I move behind him and draw my swords he swings his mace agian and I create a glyph to block him and I thrust my arms out to force him back he stumbles back blinking and I move towards him zigzagging my movements as he swings at me agian and agian ......I continuely simply move out of the way of the wide over arching strikes and I put my blades together to form one and I counter his strike and I push up on his heavy mace and I send him flying backwards.

I hear cheers from the crowd but the Cardin gets up.

I access my arua and I gain aura from his anger as he charges at me and I simply step out of the way and he roars and spins around and I have just enough time to block his close hit on my stomach I am still sent flying backwards I put my arms out behind me and I create a glyph behind me to catch my fall before I hit the ground.

He rushes over to me on the higher ground and I roll out of his reach and get to my knees before I have to block another of his heavy handed blows.

I keep pushing upwards and I work my way to my feet my tail swishes behind me as I stand up to my full height even if he still towers over me so do most grimm.

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