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Chapter Twenty Five: Drunk

~~ I gasped awake, breathing heavily and frantically searching the area around me, hoping the night beforehand had been some terrible dream, alas, I was wrong. I still laid in grass with my dresses covering me. Shakingly, I stood and glanced down at my dress to find that half of it, the half I laid upon, had a green tint to it due to the grass; sighing I quickly readied myself in another dress, cleaning myself up as much as was possible. I laid my suitcases against the house, taking what little money and items of value I had and stuffing them into my pockets, I walked away, destined for the bank.

I was given funny looks as I walked into the bank; I told them who I was and what I was inquiring about and I was instantly pushed into an office with a nice woman with chocolate coloured hair, turquoise eyes and a slender frame, with an amiable smile imprinted upon her lipstick. "Are you alright, honey?" Was the first question she asked me. I gave a long sigh and shook my head, digging my teeth into my lip to prevent tears. She stood and pulled a curtain before a window, so no wandering eyes could see inside.

"Tell me what happened, dear" she said and I completely broke down; I told her of everything, pausing every once in a while, for I babbled so fast I forgot to breathe!  

"....I love him, my Captain, I really, really do, but he won't believe me and he wants nothing to do with me now...I have no where to go, so, I came to ask about what happened to all of the money mother and father had stored up for the house." I said and the lady gave a long sigh; tears were now in her eyes as well.

"Sweetie" she began. "Your mother and father knew they were going to move to Jamaica, so, they had all of their money transferred into an account for Raoul de Chagny because Raoul promised that he would take care of you and your parents." She explained, my brows furrowed.

"But...why didn't they just sell the house?" I asked, the woman shrugged.

"They never told us why, we figured it was a personal decision."

"Is...is there any way of getting the house back? O-Or getting the money back?" I asked, clenching my hands together in hope; tears dripped down the woman's face now and she bit her lip, shaking her head.

"No, dear, not unless you and Raoul are married." She said and I fell back, allowing my back to hit the back of the chair, I rubbed my face and wept again, my entire life was crashing down around me and there was nothing I could do to stop it.

"What am I going to do, madam? What am I going to do?!" I cried through sobs, gasps, and coughs; she ran around her desk and enveloped me in her arms, crying with me.

"Sweetie, I would take you home in a heartbeat, but, I have three little ones of my own and my husband and I can barely make ends meet as it is. Your best shot now is to go back to one of them on your knees and beg or, or break back into your home and make the best of this for now, until you can get a job or live with a friend." She explained, she grasped a few tissues and helped me clean myself up; I sniffled, how could this be happening? How could any of this be happening? 

"How...how is this real?" I blurted out, sniffling; she sighed and kissed my forehead.

"Life...life is cruel, dear, life is so cruel and I hate that you're learning it at such a young age, but, maybe, maybe something worse was going to happen." She said, and I blew up.

"Like what?" I yelled. "Nothing, absolutely nothing is worse than this!" I added, standing.

"You could be dead." The woman said, I shook my head.

"No, madam, that would be a blessing." I whispered, a few more tears fell off of her long eyelashes.

"You must've really loved him" she said, playing with my hair, I nodded.

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