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Hello guys, it's been a while. A lot has happened in the past few months.

I don't share this but I decided why not share it now. Soooo I been dealing with depression and that took over my life. It became so hard to deal with to the point I pushed everyone away from me. Friends. Family. Even pushed my true self awat. It even lead me to dropping out of college. Yeah...

But it's all good now, well kinda, thanks to my lovely therapist and the new friends I met when I fell down the rabbit hole I like to call Kpop lol.

Right now as I'm typing this I'm currently traveling with no set destination. Where will I end up? A different state? A different country? I don't know but what I do know is where I end up, I know God put me there for a reason.

Will I start writing again? Maybe, when it feels right to. I hope when/if I choose to you all will support me like you always have.

I love you all xo

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