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Inertia Louis

"So what will it be Mr. Landon, will your client take the settlement offer or will we see each other in court?" Tessa asked. 

It had been a week since the big conference and everyone was talking about it. The court case for blackmail was scheduled in 3 days and so today, Blake and I met for a settlement offer with our lawyers from our side. The offer was simple, full immunity for Blake in the blackmail case and in exchange he would have to testify against my mother if it came to it and of course back down from the company completely. Tessa wanted to add a payment of $1 Million but I didn't want any money from him. 

"We should take it. It's the best we can do. If this goes to court, we're losing everything for sure." Mr. Landon, Blake's lawyer told him. 

"We'll take it." Blake sighed in defeat and both Tessa and I smirked in victory.

I signed whatever Tessa asked me to and then Blake did his part. The whole blackmailing case against my mother would take a while to work out but I could take my company private now that there were sufficient funds and Blake had backed out. The only problem now was the fact that I'm homeless. Ren offered to stay with Sky and her but I didn't want to be a bother. About Zach, he doesn't know I'm homeless although I'm not really sure I can hide that forever. For time being I'm staying in a hotel. So I took a cab back to the hotel from my office and went straight upto my room. However Zach was already waiting for me inside. 

"Is it ture?" He asked.

"Is what true?" I said avoiding the question.

"You sold every fucking thing  you owned for this stupid thing?" He asked angrily.

"My business is not stupid and nor is it little." I said still avoiding the main topic.

"Oh you know what I mean! You only had to do all this because of me! What is wrong with you Inertia?!" Zach grumbled.

"Okay fine. I did sell everything but I'd do it all over again. I would even give up all my businesses if it meant having you in my life."

"But I would never want that!" Zach said.

"I know. I know that. I'm not doing this for you, I'm doing this for me." I said going closer to him and reaching out for his face with my hands. 

"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked.

"Because I knew you wouldn't like it." I replied.

"I sure as hell don't." He said still a little mad.

"Who told you anyway?" I asked.

"Your mother left a message." Zach chuckled.

"That bitch." I laughed.

"I don't know how many failed attempts before she stops." 

"Me neither." I smiles and closed the gap between us. It was just like the first time we kissed. even better if possible. The sparks, the electricity, the passion, the love, all of it intact. Abruptly, Zach pulled away.

"Move in with me." He said suddenly.

"What? No! You don't have to do this! It's fine. I'm fine on my own. I mean I still have some money I can rent an apartment and I'm still gonna earn and the business will recover in no time." I said.

"I know I don't HAVE to do this but I WANT to. I mean we love each other and I don't know about you but I hate it when I don't wake up next to you. I know we're not ready for something as big as marriage but moving in... I think we'll do just fine at that." Zach said and I was startled.

"How can someone be so nice? Zach you're the sweetest man I've ever known and I'm so proud of you." I said kissing his lips. 

"So?" He asked again hopefully.

"Yes, I'll move in with you!"

"It's decided then, we begin the shifting today, finish it by day after and then we host a party." Zach beamed.

"Woahh woahh woahh, hold up. Why party?" I asked.

"I want to cherish every moment I have with you and what better way than to begin our new life with a celebration?"

"Close friends only?" I asked.

"Close friends only." Zach agreed. 

-----------------------------------------------(Skip to the party)---------------------------------------------------

"Okay, now balance the empty bottle on your head!" Ren ordered Zach. Zach placed the empty beer bottle on his head and as soon as he let go of it, it fell down and crashed onto the floor. Great. 

The party turned out to have a very few people since both Zach and I aren't close to that many people. It was just Sam (Zach's best friend), Ren, Sky, Naina, Tessa and Clarke who is Naina's boyfriend. Everyone except Naina, Sam and I turned out to have really low tolerance to alcohol which meant that the three of us were now handling a very drunk group of friends. 

"Okay, Ren, Zach both of you have had enough alcohol." I said prying the drinks away from them as they whined. 

"Sky you should take Ren home now."

"Home? Home is where the heart is and my heart belongs to Ren! She's my home!" Sky giggled and I wanted to bang my head against the wall. 

"Don't worry, I have to get going, I can drop them." Sam offered.

"Are you sure? Only if it isn't too much trouble." I told Sam.

"Don't worry, I've got this." Sam said and we bid our goodbyes.

Naina and Clarke left soon after and since Naina wasn't drunk I wasn't worried about her but I did tell her to text me once she reached home. There was no way I was letting Tessa go home so drunk so I let her crash on the couch. At times like these I really missed my house. If we were back there everyone could have stayed over without any problems. 

"You are you so sad? Cheer up!" Zach giggled.

"Okay, now that everyone is gone, let's get you to bed too." I said.

"Hawwww... naughty girl!" He smirked and I rolled my eyes at his childish behaviour. I helped him to our room and then onto the bed. Once he was lying down I tucked him in the blanket and then took the empty space next to him. 

"I loveeeee you so much. You're my knight in shining armour!" Zach declare and I couldn't help but laugh. I had an idea.

"Will you say that again please?" I asked.

"You're my knight in shining armour Inertia!" He repeated and I recorded him. Then after a few seconds he just fell asleep.

Now, I have seen all shades of Zach Miller. Our path wasn't easy but we made it, our life was full of surprises but we dealt with it. I know there is no such thing as happy ending but you know someone has once said, 'Maybe it isn't about the happy ending, maybe it is the story that matters....' 


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