Chapter 1

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"What the hell is this? I nearly lost one of the important deals of my life. Can't you do one single god damn work without making any mistake?" roared the man in Armani business suit, scaring the shit out of his secretary.

"I'm sorry, sir. I don't know how I forgot to file the papers. But see, we still have the chance. R&S Group is ready for a re-meeting." Said the good for nothing secretary to calm her boss down.

Chris Jones, business tycoon in fashion industry, was looking at his air-head secretary as if she was a fucking alien who didn't have a bloody clue how things worked on the planet Earth.

Shaking his head, he sat on his power packed CEO's chair like a king before uttering the most powerful words that a boss would definitely love to say in his position.

"You're fired. Get out of my office. And don't ever dare to show me your face again." He erupted like a volcano.

"You can't do that. I like this job because I get to see so many handsome men in suit everyday. Without this job my life will be boring," she whined like a child who was just denied his favorite chocolate.

Chris was one step away from lashing out at this dumb girl, but he controlled himself as he knew that he was getting angry at silly things. However, the mistake this girl did was not silly. It could have costed him millions.

As Chris was going to call the security, the door of his cabin opened and in-walked his best friend Nicholas Anderson without knocking, which really irritated Chris when people didn't ask for permission and didn't respect someone's privacy. Well, Nicholas never respected his wishes because he believed that irritating him was his birth right for being his only best friend.

"Hi Ava. Looking beautiful. So, how is the new job going?" asked Nicholas.

"Hi Nick," secretary Ava giggled. "I liked in here. But your mean friend fired me for not filing some boring pages in his file." She said in sarcastic tone.

"What? Why? Ok I get it, WHY?" He added when Chris raised a brow at him. "But, man we all make mistakes. And Ava, she is only human. She can also make mistakes. Why are you firing her? Give her a second chance."

"If only you knew that how many chances I have already given to Ms. Montana for her incompetence, we wouldn't have been having this conversation," Chris replied in his usual arrogant tone.

"Ms. Montana, what are you still doing here? Leave," Chris ordered his former secretary.

Ava walked out of the cabin crying loudly, obviously making a scene to get sympathy from the other employees but no one paid any attention to her as this was like a normal routine these days – Chris firing his secretaries and even some of other employees of various departments.

"You idiot, what would I answer to Zoey? Ava is her best friend. You firing her would create chaos in my life."

"Well, tell you sister, her taste in friends is really yuck. And by the way, Ava was nothing but walking disaster. She has no skills. I was just putting with her silliness because of you. Otherwise, I would have fired her on her first day when she didn't bring me my coffee."

"Chris, this needs to stop. How long will you be like this. Ava was 18th secretary in the last three months that you have fired."

"What is my fault in this if no one is capable to do simple tasks and bear with my current mood," reasoned Chris.

"And she is not going to appear on your doorsteps, confessing her undying love for you. Be a man, and go, find your Cinderella just like the Prince did in the bloody cheesy fairytale," Nicholas replied.

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