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Your POV:

The butlers slam through the gate and run up the clock tower's vines.

"Jee. Thanks for the lift," I say sarcastically before teleporting inside the clock. All the turning gears made loud noises, so I doubted Hanna and Alois heard me as I looked for them.

'I swear to Lloyd: if they mess up Derek, I'll kill them myself.' I found Hanna hugging Ciel's body close to her. Derek sat not too far away from them on the floor.

'Thank God.' I sneakily maneuver my way around the gears, being careful not to get seen by them. I was in arms reach of Derek when the door busts open. I jumped in surprise, since I was too busy trying to concentrate on staying quiet.

"Master!" Sebastian stands, stunned at the view in front of him. Hanna sat on her knees. Both Ciel and Alois's rings lay dull on the floor. Their jewels have gone black, showing the lack in souls.

"Claude, you have ensnared my heart with your deceptive spider threads. I wanted you to become my eternal highness." Alois/ Ciel's right eye flashes between Sebastian, Claude, and Hanna's contract symbols before landing on Hanna's.

"But, more than anything, I wanted your love." His body falls, and Hanna catches him. Sebastian's gaze turns on me. I could tell he was livid by looking in his eyes. It made my whole body tense.

"You," he says in pure anger. I jump in surprise as he charges at me with his amazing speed. Being caught off guard, he was able to slam me against the wall. My head felt dizzy, and I fall onto my side. My insides feel shaken up from the glitching. Sebastian's hand had gone through my stomach.

"You were here the entire time, yet you hadn't stopped her?"

I groan as I look up at his fuchsia eyes. I felt tears well in my own from the pain.

"Look, I'm sorry."

His glare only harshens. Something tugs at my chest. It was like back at the frost fair when he said those mean words to me.

"You said it yourself, did you not? You claimed you cared for my master and thought of me as family. How could you let this happen if that were truly the case?" He looks at me with pure disgust.

"Maybe I should go then," I say quietly as I look down, so he wouldn't look at the tears in my eyes. I stand up and grab Derek. My arms dangle at my sides as I hold him with one hand.

"I didn't lie, by the way. I told you, he's fine. Hope you like what's coming to you, jerk." I squeeze Derek harder before teleporting to my own manor. I knock lightly on the door and wait patiently. Arthur opens it, and Drossel stands behind him.

"Oh! Welcome home, Y/N! What's wrong?" Arthur gives me a look full of concern.

"And so I think to myself, why is my lady crying." Drossel walks up to me. I don't say a word as I walk past them, and make my way up the stairs.

"Y/N?" Oliver appears at the top of the stairs. I stop in front of him before looking down at his small form with no emotion. I sigh before gently pat his head and making my way to my bedroom. They all exchange worried glances as I opened and closed my door harshly. I collapse onto my bed and kick off my shoes. I wrap my body in the blankets and start crying my eyes out.

'Why does it hurt so much?' I close my eyes and let out a few sobs. My chest felt like it was just torn to pieces. Well, it kind of was. Sebastian's punch probably messed up my organs for a bit.

"Y/N, it's okay," a familiar voice comforts. I open my eyes and see Lloyd sitting on my bed.

"He's a demon, they get angry when their meal is taken." He pats my head comfortingly.

"Go away. I'm not in the mood for you." I swat my hand at his.

"Fine. Last time I try to help." He pouts and crosses his arms. Just as he disappears, there is a knock on the door.

"Go away." I mutter as I press my face against a pillow.

"My lady?" Drossel enters my room anyway.

"Everyone is worried about you."

I sigh and turn to face him.

"I'll be fine. Sebastian's just acting like an ass again. This time he put a hole through my stomach."

Drossel places the candelabra, that he held in his hand, onto my nightstand before kneeling at my bedside to look me in the eye. He places his gloved hand against my cheek. I raise my hand to it and intertwine our fingers.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have been so rude earlier." I smile sadly at him as sit up. I let go of the doll's hand.

"So I think to myself, would my lady like some tea?"


He nods and walks out of my room.

'Maybe I just overreacted after all.' I sigh. After drinking my tea, I stand from my bed.

"I should go back. I really want to see Sebastian kick Claude's ass."

Black Butler and the Modern Reader S2Where stories live. Discover now