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I'm never gonna give you guys a title >:) hahahaha get ready for some short shit...

•Michaels P.O.V•
Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep
I have officially woke up by falling off my bed, as usual. I sigh and get up, wondering what today is going to be like, a normal day, a new day, a shitty day? I walk to my closet, gather my everyday clothes and head to the bathroom and I take a shower.

{Time skip brought to you by George Salazar's hair}

After I walk out of the house, my phone buzzes. "I bet it's a text." And as soon as I see who texted me, I smile.

Playerone: look behind you

Well that's creepy, but of course, it's Jeremy, what could he possibly do? Well shit, he could kill you with his adorableness.....I think I need to stop with that, he has a girlfriend, he's my best friend and has been for twelve years, I've had a crush on him for four years, I don't want to ruin our friendship. Anyways, I turn around to see Jeremy. "Hey, Michael!" He said while yawning, I smile. "Hey Jeremy." I stop so he could catch up. "I need to talk to you at lunch, if that's ok?" He looks, nervous? "Yeah, ok!" I see Jeremy smile, which makes me smile and blush a little. Soon we arrived at school, which we didn't notice until we heard her, the lucky girl. "Hey, Jeremy?" She says. "Oh, hey Christine!" He looks more nervous, why though? "Um, could we meet in front of the school, at the end of the day? I need to talk to you about something..." She sounds nervous? What is going on? "Sure, I was also needing to talk to you." I am so confused right now but ok. "Ok." Then Christine walks off, something's not right.

{Time skip to lunch brought to you by play rehearsal}

•Jeremy's P.O.V•
I'm very nervous because I'm about to tell something shocking, well not really, to my best friend and Christine is needing to talk to me about something. I walk up to the table Michael's sitting at. "What was you wanting to talk about?" Michael asked.
"Um, this may sound very weird, or shocking." I say, stumbling on my words.
"Ok, what is it? Also why did you look nervous this morning?" He asked, which made me a little more nervous. "Uh, well, I-I don't think I l-like Christine in that way a-anymore, I like her as a f-friend..." Michael looked up, and I seen, hope, in his eyes? I said this because, I've been starting to like Michael, my best friend for twelve years, that Michael. I hope Christine understands when I tell her today.

{Time skip to the end of the day brought to you by Rich's lisp}

As I promised, I hesitatingly walk to the front of the school finding Christine. "H-hey Christine. What was you wanting to talk about?" I asked. She turns around. "Uh, well I hope you understand, but I don't think this is gonna work out, but we could still be friends?" She looked down. "Y-yeah, I understand, that's actually what I was wanting to talk to you about." She sighs in relief. "So, do you like anyone else?" She asked while sitting down on a bench. "Uh, y-yeah." She gasps and starts jumping up and down. "Who? I could probably help you get together!" I start blushing. "U-um, w-well, i-its-" I look around to see if anyone was around and whisper to Christine. "I-its M-michael." She instantly jumps up. "Oh my God, really!?" I nod. "ITS SIMPLY MEANT TO BE!! I'll see what I can do tomorrow, okay?" I nod again. "Ok! Bye!" She said waving. "Bye." And she's gone, now I have to watch out, I would never know what she'll do.

C l i f f h a n g e r b o i

Ill try to update as much as I can because I don't want to be mean, heere's my schedule. Also every other week I won't be able to update because I go to my dad's which doesn't have internet, I also have no service. So those weeks I'm at my dad's I'll write, which means I may have a few chapters ready!

Sunday: write
Monday: upload
Tuesday: write
Wednesday: answer questions
Thursday: upload
Friday: write
Saturday: write

I hope enjoyed my cringe!  I'll try to write more!

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