1. My Begining

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Arthur's Note: Wassup my wonderful creatures of god makings. I am editing this book! A lot! Because this is one of the people's favorites to read and I don't want all of you reading this crappy writing.

You'll see that it's a new cover and description. Names of chapters may be changed as well, so please pay attention to changes. After editing, I'll be republishing all the chapters. Thank you for your time. Please enjoy!

<Your POV>

I sat on my bed in my room. I could hear the shouts and yells from the people downstairs. Those people were my parents, they loved me in until one day came and they started beating me. For some reason they started to come home wasted and drunk and soon started to beat me 'till I was numb.

It's not like that helped at school... Since I am a hybrid; two, fluffy, orange and black, fox ears will always be on top of my head and a fluffy, orange and black, foxtail will always be behind me. No matter how hard I wish and pray, they will always be there. The kids at schools would call me names, step and pull at my tail, calling me an animal.

They called me a freak! A good enough waste of air! I'd cry in my room until I'd cry myself to sleep. Sometimes if I'm stressed enough my beautiful h/c hair would start to fall out. My s/c skin would look paler than usual. Depression doesn't help with any of this. I soon heard heavy footsteps coming down the hallway as I took a glance towards my bedroom door.

The door creaked open and I was met with my father, a knife in hand. My heart started to race, I could hear it. Like it right by my ears. I had one way out this situation, the window. Damn, guess my only way out. I thought to myself, a sigh following. My father grew closer and attempted to swipe at me, but, failed as I made my way to my window.

With the window already being wide open, I made a break for it and jumped out the window. I was barely able to hook my hands around a tree branch from the nearby tree. I slowly started to slip down from the tree, keeping eye contact with my father. His brown eyes glaring holes into my own e/c eyes. With my feet hitting the grassy earth I booked it to The Slender Woods. I never understood why it was called that. But at this point, I don't care.

I ran far enough into the woods that it began to get foggy and the big and tall trees blocked the sky. My fox ears had perked up to the sound of footsteps, running. He's following me! Guess they really do hate me... I panicked on the inside, my mind is a wreck. But, soon I realized if I don't take care of the problem now... It'll never get solved.

So, I turned around to face my father. Growling as claws emerged from my nails. Caine, sharp teeth started to grow in my mouth as I glared at my father. I ran towards my father with top speeds, slashing my sharp claws at his neck.

Watching his eyes widen with surprise and fear. He dropped the knife and his hands went up to hold his neck. Watching the blood, stain his hands. My father fell to the ground with a thud, picking up his knife, I stood over him.

"Don't Let This Fox Bite." I purred, a smirk curling up on my pink lips.

Not even a few seconds, I started to plunge the knife into his chest, repeatedly while laughing. I came to a stop to realize how bloody I was. But, I didn't care. My father was finally dead and gone. And I could care less! But, I soon came to a stop. Now looking at a really tall man.

His skin was pale, more like white. He wore an all-black suit with a slightly long red tie. But what confused me is that he had no facial features. No ears, no nose, no eyes. Nothing, expect a barely visible mouth. I was gonna booked it, run away before he spoke.

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