CRUSH??? (Part 4)

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Bradon- "Will you go on a date with me"?

Lissy- "Yes I would love to"

Bradon- "Thank you"

Lissy- "Your welcome. So where are we going?

Bradon- "Its a surprise and we are going tonight"

Lissy- "Awesome. What time"?

Bradon- "6ish"

Lissy- "Okay"

Bradon- "Let's go back to the beach and get some lunch"

Lissy- "Okay"


Dad- "Lissy! Bradon is here"!

Lissy- "Can you let him in"?

Dad- "Yeah"!

-Front Door-

Steve- "Come on in Bradon. Allyssa should be down here soon"

Bradon- "Thank you Sir"

Steve- "Your welcome"

Bradon- "How are you doing Sir"?

Steve- "I'm doing good. You"?

Bradon- "I am doing great thank you"

Steve- "Your welcome. Would you like something to drink"?

Bradon- "I'm good. Thank you"

Steve- "No problem"

Allyssa- "Hey Bradon"

Bradon- "You look nice tonight"

Allyssa- "Awww...thank you"

Bradon- "Your welcome"

Allyssa- "See you later Dad. Love You"

Steve/Dad- "Please be back by 10"

Bradon- "Sure thing Mr. McGarret"

Steve/Dad- "Please keep my daughter safe"

Bradon- "I will protect her if she was my own sister"

Steve/Dad- "That's thoughtful"

Allyssa- "Lets go Bradon"

Steve- "Bye. Be safe"

Allyssa- "We will. Bye Dad"

Bradon- "See you later Sir"

Steve- "Goodbye"

Bradon and Allyssa had a great time together. Hope you like this. I decided not to write about there date. There will be another part to *CRUSH ???*

Here is picture of the crush!!!

Let me know if you either like *Bradon* or *Christopher* for the *CRUSH*

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Let me know if you either like
*Bradon* or *Christopher* for the *CRUSH*

So the *CRUSH* name is officially Christopher!! Chris for short....Still same middle and last name.

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