Chapter L: We Win, We Win Not

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Lady Therese De Beauharnais, Duchess of Roche

11 December, Year 32 of King Frederick V of Monrique's reign

Bordeux Castle, Bordeux


"Are we truly allowed to be out and about?" Kat asks Evie.

It is nearing dawn. The Castle is silent, and almost empty. There is no one about, except for the army officers who stand guard outside the various chambers.

Kat is currently slung across Evie's shoulders, as she is unable to walk on her own, and I am following them both. The poor woman winces every time Evie climbs a stair, or makes a turn, as she is jostled none too gently.

Evie shakes her head now. "Nay."

"How did you get the keys to the dungeons, then?" I want to know.

She does not answer me right away. We begin climbing the last flight of stairs that leads to Jules' chambers, and she holds onto Kat even tighter, as she summons together every last bit of energy and willpower she possesses to continue moving. She looks around every now and then, to check if anyone is following us.

When we reach the landing, I start again. "How – "

"I stole them," she replies calmly, "snuck into Captain Roger's quarters when he was at evening training earlier, and slipped away before anyone could notice."

Kat lets out a whistle. "Well done," she is impressed, "Ned is a good influence on you."

However, I have other concerns. "And the guards simply let you into the dungeons?" I raise an eyebrow, "and did not say anything when you released us?"

"Well, I lied to them that Jules commanded me to bring the both of you to her bedside," she sighs, "I stole her wedding ring to produce to them as proof." She holds up a small ring towards me with her free hand.

I take it from her. Even as I walk, I finger the small, gold-wrought lily embedded on a simple band.

Lilies, especially white lilies, are Jules' favourite.

"But I need not have," Evie continues in the meanwhile, her voice heavy, "they only had to take one look at my gown, and another look at my face, to be convinced."

She gestures to her gown, and I wince at once. Dark red splotches dot the cream of her gown.

"How is she doing?" Kat murmurs anxiously.

We reach Jules' chambers just then, and strangely, there are no guards stationed outside. It is so quiet. There are no footsteps, no whispers, not even the soft grunts expected of a woman trying to bear the agony during her labour.

It frightens me. I feel the bottom of my belly clench.

Evie does not answer, as she pushes the handle and enters. Almost at once, the air within shoots straight up my nose. It is heavy with the combined stench of sweat, blood, dirt and...

Utter hopelessness.

I hurry after Evie and Kat before I can lose sight of them. She strides down the empty receiving chambers, towards the bedchambers. That is when I realise - there is no door between the bedchambers and the receiving chambers. It existed once, I am certain of it. I myself opened and closed it many times on earlier occasions.

"Where is that door, my Lady?" I whisper.

"Nick kicked it down when Jules' Ladies-in-waiting and the midwives refused to let him enter," Evie answers quietly, "he has been by her side ever since."

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