Ticci Toby

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The forest is the most boring place on earth, you thought, holding onto branches and trees as you tried to walk down a steep hill. You turned your feet sideways and crab-walked down, trying to balance yourself. You had been walking through these woods for a half hour, and while the scenery was pretty, it got old quick.

You were currently on your way to visit the Slenderman, he probably had some more people to add to your constantly growing list of those to deliver to. Stopping for a minute to catch your breath, you leaned against a tree, still trying not to fall down the hill. Noting the dry taste in your mouth, you slid your backpack off to find your water. As you dug through it, the sound of dry leaves being heavily disrupted was heard, as well as someone yelling.

You looked up to see someone falling down the hill, rolling almost comically, trying to grasp at the ground to stop himself. He slid past you, and made eye contact, pointing and shouting, "Hey!" Before a leaf got caught in his mouth, and he continued to tumble, coughing slightly.

You slipped you bag back on and went after him, keeping your body low to the ground and clutching onto trees, slowly making your way down. When you got to the bottom, he was there, standing and trying to look for you. When he did spot you, his eyes lit up, and he pointed at you again, this time a hatchet in hand.

"You!" He shouted again, "Hey, w-who are you? Are you su-su-supposed to be here?" He asked. You raised your hands defensively, staring at his hatchet, wondering how it didn't manage to cut him in half during his fall. 

"I'm trying to find the Slenderman. I'm a messenger," you explained. He relaxed his posture and breathed a sigh of relief, sitting down on the ground.

"Ok then," He said simply. "I'm Toby." You looked at him for a moment, before sitting down next to him and grabbing your water again from your backpack. 

"My name's Y/N. Are, uh, are you ok?" You asked him, twisting the cap of the bottle. He nodded, "yeah, I meant to fall."

You gave him a look, and he tried to defend himself, clearly embarrassed.  "No, really! I was sent to patrol the area, b-but I've been walking around for hours, and it was so boring, so I was g-gonna t-tr-try sliding down the hill, but I t-tripped and... uh... yeah..." He didn't finish his sentence, his ears tinted pink. You shook your water bottle at him, and he took it gratefully, taking a few sips.

You tried to think of something to say. "Uhm. How did you manage to not hurt yourself with the hatchet?" You asked, looking down at it, noting it's sharpness.

He shrugged. "When I tripped I think I kinda threw it, it was down here already. I had another one but I lost it coming down."

He had a leaf stuck in his hair, and you contemplated grabbing it for him. You thought it was funnier if he left it in, though, so you said nothing, smiling to yourself instead. He sat up suddenly, turning to you. 

"Oh right! I need to take you to Slender!" He said, getting up and grabbing his axe, holding out his free hand to you. You grabbed it and he pulled you up, before walking ahead of you, like he was trying to make up for lost time.

You adjusted the backpack on your shouder. "I don't think I need to be lead there, I know the way," You explained to him, but he shook his head, the leaf in his hair quivering.

"No, that's why he sent me out here, besides, I don't wanna keep walking around this place alone all day, I'm bored," He said, sounding tired. You caught up to him, and nodded your head. "I get it," You responded. "I've been here for like, a half-hour and the most exciting thing that happened was you falling down a hill."

He snorted. "Not to me, that happens every other day," He looked over to you, smiling a little. "Those times are on accident, though," He finished, and you laughed. He pointed with his hatchet again into the woods. 

"Shortcut, let's go," He explained, and the both of you walked farther into the trees, leaves crunching under your feet. You decided to keep the conversation going. "So, what was the most exciting part of your day?" You asked. Without missing a beat, he responded, "Meeting you."

You felt yourself blushing, but he didn't notice, and continued talking. " I'm glad we met, though, the forest is a lot nicer with another person around. Plus, Slender'll be happy I found you, I hope he doesn't have anything else for me to do today."

You listened to him ramble on and on the entire way there, nodding your head every so often. It wasn't usual for you to travel with someone, so while it was nice to be around another person for a while, you felt drained by the time you got to the mansion.

He stopped by the outskirts of the forest, waving at you. "See ya!" He said. You looked back at him.

"Aren't you coming in?" You asked. He shook his head at you.

"No, I gotta look for my other hatchet. Have fun, though, tell Slender I found you!"

You nodded and he turned and walked back, you watched him leave for a minute before heading inside. 

Creepypasta x Messenger!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now