Chapter Twenty-Three

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I open my eyes and feel my skin is tight and sticky. I rase my hand and touch my face. I feel a dry substance on my face, I groan and open my eyes sitting up. I raise my hand and see little red flakes on my palm. I stand up and look in the mirror across Travis' bed, I scream and hear something falling in the bathroom. The door opens and Travis runs out. I start to sob and shake, he takes me in his arms and leads me into the bathroom. He wets a washcloth and stats to clean the blood off my face.
"You're okay," he whispers.
"I killed Holly!"
"No, you killed a vampire that was going to kill us, that wasn't Holly." He says quietly. I swallow thickly and close my eyes.
"I know that, but I can't imagine it. All I see is Holly's dead..." I bite my lip and taste the blood as it drips into my mouth. He lightly traces his finger over my lip.
"Don't hurt yourself, please." He whispers. I open my eyes and take a deep, shaky breath.
"She was all I had for years, and she is just...gone."
"She's not here, but she will never be gone completely. " he says.
"Please leave me alone." He seems hesitant. "Please," I ask raising my voice. He sighs, but leaves me alone. I walk back over to his bed and sit down. I look out the window at the bright sun just beginning to rise. I open the window and shift into my cat. I jump through the window and land on the grass below. I take off running, stretching my long legs. I push my body faster and faster trying to chase out the sight of my dead sister. I stop after awhile panting. I collapse on my side and the deep breaths. I hear a twig snap from next to me and I jump up, looking around. A huge gray wolf walks out of the forest in front of me.
Rouge! Megaera spits in my head. Let me take care of this. She says.
No please don't! She ignores me and I feel myself being pushed out of my own head. Megaera jumps on the wolf and clamps her jaw around his neck. Shaking, I look around and see I am in an all black room. The room is small and a box shape. I shakily walk to the back corner and sit down. I cover my head with my hands to block out the sound of fighting. I close my eyes title and start to cry. I am a killer.

Once I had regained control I shift back and stare at the mangled body of the rouge. You can barley tell it was a human body anymore. I cover my head with my hands and sobs, rocking back and forth. I am a monster. My skin feel tight as the blood begins to dry. I hear more footsteps, but I don't look up. Megaera has left, feeing guilty no doubt. Every emotion I feel she feel, only ten times stronger. The grief she feels must be overwhelming. I feel a hand on my back and judging by the sparks I know it is Travis.
"I killed him."
"He was a rouge." He says sitting next to me.
"Megaera took over." I say my voice hoarse. "She pushed me out of my own mind."
"It's not you then, Megaera killed him."
"I didn't fight to get back in."
"There is no way to get back into a your mind until your cat lets you."
"I didn't even try, I let him die!"
"Bria," he whispers. I start to cry and he pulls me to his chest.
"I let everyone die." I say through my sobs. "I killed them all!"

Who do you think Bria killed? What do you think of Megaera? Do you think she is evil, or just mourning. Comment, vote and check out my other stories!

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