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Kyungsoo and Luhan were looking for Baekhyun's bag.

They were walking through the school and as they arrived at the locker hall, Chanyeol was there holding two bags.

Kyungsoo and Luhan hid behind the wall and were watching the giant. 

Chanyeol stood there and it looked like he was thinking.

He put on of the bags in front of a locker and went off.

"Isn't that Baek's locker?" Luhan whispered.

Kyungsoo nodded and as the taller was out of sight and they went to the locker.

"It's his bag.." Kyungsoo grabbed it and looked at it.

"It's weird I didn't expect him to just leave it here. That's unlike him." Luhan set a confused face on.

"Oh. Where did y--?"

"You were right Baek. Chanyeol had it." Luhan said with pressed lips as they stood in front Baekhyun who was sitting on a bench at the backyard of the school. 

"B-but how d-did you get it from h-him?" Baekhyun asked and hold an arm over his eyes because of the sunbeams.

"Ah, yeah that's the weird thing. He left it in front of your locker and went off." Kyungsoo said while he and Luhan were looking at Baekhyun and giving him his bag.

Baekhyun said nothing. He didn't know what. He thought he wasn't hearing right.

Chanyeol's P.O.V.

He still didn't know why he took the bag with him. He couldn't find the smaller so he just left it in front of his locker. Of course, he could have just throw it in the trash or something but he didn't. 

As school was over he went to help his uncle at the pizzeria out.

In the evening he didn't want to go home but he needed to. He didn't have a place to stay. His uncle was already stressed and overfilled with debts and other things. He didn't have much money, unlike his parents. Chanyeol didn't want to bother him more so he decided to leave.

Sure he could've asked his friends but they had their own worries. He already asked so many times to stay the nights there.

On the way home, he was kicking some stones from the street. It was dark the only thing that gave him some light were the street lights. You could say that it looked creepy at a time like that in the neighborhoods but he didn't mind. 

As he entered the house it was completely dark. Nothing. Not even the dog was making a sound.

He sighed and slowly put his shoes off until he heard small sniffles from the kitchen.
He slowly tiptoed to where the sniffles came from.

In the kitchen, his mother was sitting at the dining table. Alcohol was scattered everywhere and her hair was a mess. She looked up to Chanyeol and he saw her red and tired eyes.

"You!" A shrill voice came into Chanyeol's ear.

He was about to walk away but his mother screamed again.

"Everything is your fault!" She pointed at him and Chanyeol clenched his hands into fists and turned around to his mother.

"You're so unworthy! You father hit me again and why? Do you have a fucking clue why? Because... of YOU! It's just because of you.."

Chanyeol's breathing got hard and unstable. He tried to control his anger.

"Every time I have to pretend like we're the perfect family ever!" She put the beer can on the table and tried to stand up in her drunken state and pushed the chair behind.

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