No Extra Pillow?

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Kpop Dream of: Lovexiana

December 30/31,2017:

"Here's the blanket for you"

I said as I pass him a blue blanket

"Where's my two pillows?" He asked

"Why do you need two pillows?"

I asked him why while lying to my bed

"I can't sleep without one"

He said while sitting beside me

"Why would you sneak out and come here? are you crazy?"

"Because you never answer your phone"

"Stand up! We are heading to your dorm, I'm sleeping there"

"Okay :D"

I picked my favorite pillow and my trusty blanket as we headed out a cold breeze pass by our faces, I was wearing a huge shirt with my pajamas, Their dorm is kind of near but also far.

Once we arrived we went straight to their room with Namjoon. We can clearly see a Namjoon sleeping with his mouth open. I lay on Taehyung's bed while he lay beside me, We faced each other and make ugly faces.

"Let's Sleep" I said

"Where's my other pillow?" He asked while shuffling "Aish, Namjooon Hyung has it :( How would I sleep?"

"Yah, Let's just sleep" I said while I hugged him

"W-what are you doing?"

"I can't sleep without hugging something, I thought you have some extra pillows" I explained.

"You can't sleep without one too huh? Let's just hug each other to sleep" He said as he wrapped his two arms around me while I did the same

We fell asleep immediately

I kind of wake up and saw him staring at me

"What?" As I snuggled into his chest

"Nothing, hehehehehe :D"

I hugged him tighter as he did too


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ !

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