Chapter 5

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1:25 p.m.
   The rest of the day was quiet, filled with them anticipating what would happen. Soon it was last period and it was the most dreaded period of the day... Algebra. Their Algebra teacher was so monotone and so boring, that half the class would fall asleep in the first ten minutes and the other half would fall asleep after fifteen minutes. Even though the kids were asleep, he would still continue with the lesson, but they didn't care, seeing how he only did one question every five minutes. To Alex, Jade and Noah, that dismissal bell could not have rang fast enough.
   They ran to their lockers, quickly grabbed their books and met up outside the back door of the gym. "So what do we do now," Alex asked. Noah took out his phone and turned on the flashlight, not caring that it was the middle of the day and that there was not one cloud in the sky. He brought the light up to his face and said in a forced eerie voice, "Get ready to see some ghosts." Jade thought he was completely stupid and started walking home. Alex was truly terrified, but tried to hide it, not very subtly though.

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