Chapter 19

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a/n: trigger warning for discussion of sexual assault


Lauren's POV

I pulled up into the school's parking lot and hopped out of the car. I was not in a good mood today. I had barely slept because the conversation I had had with Camila the day before was still playing in my head. I kept my shades on as I walked through the halls filled with students and headed towards my locker. I felt like shit, to put it simply.

I had bailed school the rest of the day before because I just could not do it. I hadn't talked to Normani or Dinah about Camila but I was sure they knew since Camila confided in them.

I was submerged in my thoughts and subconsciously opened my locker to get my stuff. Once I slammed it shut, I was met with the slightly younger version of Camila staring back at me with raised eyebrows.

"Sofi. What an unpleasant surprise."

"Good morning to you too. How are you?" she tried to be polite but I could tell she wanted to ask me something.

"Just ask me whatever it is you want to ask me," I rolled my eyes although she couldn't see it.

"Fine. Camila was a wreck yesterday and I was wondering if you had anything to do with you, because who else would it be," Sofi's face didn't show a hint of humor. Why were the Cabello sisters so damn intimidating?

"Where is she?" I deflected.

"Probably in class already. Anyway, was it or not about you?" I didn't answer. "What did you do?"

"Can't you just mind your business?" I told her a little irritated, probably from my lack of sleep, and started walking away.

"My sister is my business," Sofi caught up with me and I quickened my pace. "And I happen to like your relationship."

"We don't have one. I fucked up before we could even get to that point," I muttered and Sofi widened her eyes.

"How did you mess up?"

"I was a dumbass."


"I just was, ok? I'm going to class now. Bye," I practically ran to the classroom because it was the only class of the day I'd have with Camila.

There were still a few minutes until 9 o'clock so the teacher wasn't in the room yet, just a few students. I spotted my favorite brown eyed girl sitting quietly on her usual seat, next to my usual seat. I walked over to her and placed my bag on the table before loudly dragging the chair back and sitting down. She looked up but quickly averted her gaze. I removed my sunglasses and sat in silence next to her. I should have thought about how awkward it would be but of course I didn't.

"Morning," I said and hoped she would answer otherwise this would be harder than I thought.

"Morning," she replied in a whisper and kept looking down at her books already on the table.

"Your sister almost bit my ass off just now," I tried to strike up a conversation but she only gave me a hum of acknowledgement. Thankfully I still had a few tricks up my sleeve.

It was about 15 minutes into the class when the teacher asked us to open our books on page 74. Everyone else had their books laid out and ready to start but I didn't. "Lauren," the teacher called and I looked at her, "Your book?"

"I don't have it, Miss. I forgot," I spoke innocently and she gave me a disappointing look. "Camila can share hers with you. I hope it's the last time," with that, she sat down at her desk and started reading some poem that I didn't care to hear.

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