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10:35 am

Taehyung opened his eyes slightly, adjusting to the lustrously lit room. He laid in bed for a moment until he finally made his mind to get up. Swiftly, he removed the covers and turned towards his desktop screen that had been flashing various notifications since he had opened his eyes. With his left hand, he rubbed his eyes as he simultaneously pushed a couple strands of hair from his forehead back with his right hand.

He shuffled his feet across the room effortlessly and sat in his desk chair. The brightness of the screen forced him to squint, playfully he pulled down his cheeks with his hands widening his eyes.

Re: Luna d' Argento

Re: Blomst

Re: Urbana

Email after email. Only a couple of the titled emails he recognized. Wide-eyed he watched as every passing email flashing on the screen was labeled with a company name, more specifically a clothing brand name.

Filling in the password for his computer he scrolled through the many emails he had received overnight. Overwhelmingly he counted every email. 26. Twenty-six emails in total. He clicked on the top email.


Re: Photographer Portfolio Submission

Luna d' Argento

0/18 10: 45 AM

To: K. Taehyung

Good Evening,

Representatives at Luna d' Argento believe you have exceptional skills in-


Hesitantly, he clicked out of that email and looked at every company name.

They wouldn't email me unless they wanted to offer me a position, right?. I couldn't have received so many overnight. I mean these companies are well known- I couldn't have, Am I THAT good?

His rush of thoughts was stopped once he recalled the summer internship he took over his last year in university. It was the only rational explanation for this. He did well. He showed skill. His boss put in a good word and here was the result.

He read every title one by one, choosing which company would be best suitable for him. Augustine, Urbana, Blomst- His jaw immediately dropped when he read the following words on the screen. Zion. Without further contemplation, he clicked on the email.

Every second passing felt as if this opportunity would seize to exist. Taehyung quickly composed an email reply and anticipated the response. He was shocked. A company so big. A company in which he attained so much inspiration and motivation from.

He pushed back his chair and let out a sigh. A sigh that felt relieving. With 26 job opportunities laid upon him, he didn't have to worry about income anymore. It seemed as though all of his worries had been lifted from his shoulder. He felt relaxed and for the first time in a while, he felt genuinely happy.

His phone began to buzz - an unknown number.

Taehyung picked up the phone and rose it up to his ear to speak.

"Kim Taehyung?"
"Who's asking?"
"Im Marco, representative for ZION."
"We received your email and would like to have you on a set to observe your skills and potentially give you a position in our crew."
"Of course yea."
"Tomorrow, 10:30am On time, I'll send you further details."
"Yes, Thank you."
     It was only the middle of the day and taehyung already wished it was the next morning.
He began to arrange his equipment for the following day. He took his camera and the physical copy of his portfolio and set it into his bag. Out of the many cameras he owned he chose the one that landed him into this opportunity in the very first place. All he had to do now was figure out a wardrobe that would allow him to fit into such prestigious setting.
The doors to his closet opened up to a very dull variety of colors, arranged from beige to white and black. Taehyung sighed disappointedly. He felt comfortable and quite stylish in the clothes he owned however he knew he would feel out of rank at a well known clothing brand set. He decisively looked at a black tie and at another tie until he sighed and decided on neither of them.
Towards the very far end of his closet he had a grey cashmere turtle neck. The simpler the better. He paired it with his best black trousers and finally added his white trench coat .
"I guess that's the best I could do."
For the rest of the day he read as much more as he could on the company ZION.

"The company ZION has plans to have their 95th clothing runway, which is to be broadcasted worldwide." - The Apparel Guide

"ZION clothing brand has sales through the roof with their most recent release of seasonal clothing." - Insight Weekly

"ZION's rookie models are taking over, more specifically, 20 year old Jeon Jungkook, who is rumored to be the lead model for their 95th runway show." - Mod Today

Let's hope the next chapter is a lot more eventful, please continue reading :)
Also, this is my first story to publish so feedback is very appreciated,
Thank you !

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