A/N ~ Teaser ~ Cast

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Welcome all, to my newest fanfiction, Hood!

A bit of backstory: 

I've always had this unhealthy obsession with Robin Hood. Then my obsession turned to Middle Earth. Then one day I thought... I should write a Robin Hood/Middle Earth crossover, fanfic, thingymabob!

So, here it is! Or at least, here is the teaser. I'm getting the final plans ironed out and the first chapter written. But do expect an update this week!

Disclaimer: this will not affect my regular Thursday updates of Veiled Stars. VS shall come first, as it is my precious right now. 

But my mind is always wandering and I've been mulling over this idea for some time... so I suppose we shall see!

Anyway, if you have made it this far, I'm glad. And I really hope you enjoy Hood! Please, feel free to comment, I love hearing the reader's thoughts. And if you really enjoy, vote!

Shoutout to the VS squad! I hope you guys enjoy this new fic!

Disclaimer pt2: I do not own Tolkien's original creations of Middle Earth or any of that wonderful stuff he has already written. I do own my OC's and any of my own plots, but the rest is his.


Robin's first mistake had been stealing the King's sword.

His second had been selling it for anything less than a thousand gold coins.

And his third might have been allowing the King's most trusted friends catch his trail.

Robin had been on the run for days. He was tired, he was hungry, and his legs felt like molten lead.

He had decided.

He absolutely hated running.

He had hoped that if he retreated deep enough into Chetwood, then perhaps his pursuers would finally give up.

But either they had the resolve of an Oliphaunt or they were positive Robin wasn't going to last much longer.

And if it was the latter, he grudgingly realized they were right.

He was tired and worn down, despite having a much higher tolerance to long periods without sleep or food.

He needed a bloody break.

Or a drink.

Robin had turned course a day ago and was now heading for Bree. If he was lucky enough, perhaps he would be able to get lost in the crowd, then make his escape.

Or at the very least, he'd go down with an ale in hand and a smile on his face.

His bow jostled...

End of teaser.

Bwahaha, so whadda think? 



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