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Geo pov:

It's been about 20 minutes and we are still driving. And I'm honestly so sick of it. I barely got to touch any of my food.

"Hey do you wanna switch?" I ask Cristal.

"No," she said with a smile.
"But I do want my phone," she climbed in the backseat while I was driving and achieved the phone.

"That was very dangerous," I said.

I felt my heart beat out my chest because I know she's going to text Mikey. What are they going to talk about? What if she's just pretending to accept my apology because she wants to get away from me? Why the fuck am I so paranoid? She's my best friend.

Cristal pov:

I texted Mikey first to let him know I was okay. He said that he was freaking out and I found it sooo adorable. He was so worried about wittle ol' me. I smiled at that and saw Geo look over at me. I ignored it and continued on with my conversation with Mikey.


M💫♥️: where r u

C😋❣️: idk but I'm ok

M💫♥️: did u guys make up?

C😋❣️: yea we're good

M💫♥️: good I don't want to be the cause of ur ruined relationship

C😋❣️: don't worry u aren't

M💫♥️: so glad ur ok baby 😍

C😋❣️: awe ur so cute

M💫♥️: thanks ik

C😋❣️: 🙄😂

M💫♥️: 😂

End of text

Geo pov:

I wanna see what they're talking about. I peeked over to see her phone.

"Is there something you want?" She asked me. She didn't even look up from her phone.

"Who are you talking to?" I asked.

"You're the one looking on my phone. You know who I'm talking to."

"Well what are you talking about?" I asked. She laughed at something. Like really hard.

"What's-what's so funny?" I asked.

"Mikey," she laughed. "He said something super funny."

"Well what did he say?"

"Nothing. Nothing," she said calming down. "You wouldn't get it."

Were they talking about me? Were they making fun of me? What was the inside joke? Why wouldn't I get it?

"I'm sure I would. Try me," I said.

She calmed down enough to tell me the joke.

"But I would have to tell you the whole conversation," she said.

"Just say it," I said.

"Okay fine. Okay so when I was at his house we looked through a old desk and we found a dog bone in it," at the end she could barely get it out because she was laughing.

I laughed just trying to match her humor. I didn't find it funny at all.

"Wait, wait," she said trying to calm down. "That's not the funny part. I just couldn't hold it in."

Oh great. I thought she was going insane.

"The funny part is he never even had a dog," she busted out laughing.

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