Chapter 22

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Kadience's POV

"Hi mom ." I said faintly as I closed the door behind me. She was sitting on the sofa in the living room with a glass of Hennessy in one hand and a cigarette in the other one.

"Where you been ?" She asked blowing smoke in my face.

"I went out." I replied coughing.

"Ohh so we go out in lil hoochie clothes now." She asked Pulling at my dress. "And what's this I hear about you being out with all these lil boys ?"

"Excuse me ?" I said squinting my eyes at her. "I haven't been around with just any boys I've been with Jayden and he's a man not a little boy." I snapped.

"Who the hell is Jayden ?"

"My boyfriend for 7 months but of course you wouldn't know that because you're never home." I said starting to walk upstairs.

She grabbed my arm. "Kadience don't you ever walk away from me while I'm talking to you."

She was clearly drunk , maybe she had just broken up with one of her boyfriends. That was her only remedy for her so called broken hearts.

I sighed and took a deep breath "what ? What could you possibly want to talk about ?"

"After all I've done for you and this how you repay me ? With damn disrespect ?" She asked stepping back and folding her arms.

"What have you done for me beside provide me with food and a house ? That's all you've done for me."

"I have been a good damn mother to you , you're not going sit up here and act like I haven't."

"You haven't been shit to me. You leave every chance you get. You don't talk to me ! You don't ask me how my days went ! We don't even do things together. You missed senior awards night , did you even see the awards me and Moni got over the fire place?" My eyes were filled with tears by now, I was broken and she didn't even know how I felt on the inside. "You haven't heard anything about me being around town with different boys , you just want to make me feel bad because you feel bad. I pray to God that I'm nothing like you when I have kids." I looked down at her disgusted , she slapped me leaving my cheek red and stinging.

"You will not talk to me like that Kadience ! You don't even have the courtesy to thank me for all of my hard work." She said pointing her finger in my face.

"What hard work ? Are you really going to sit up here and betray like you actually provide for me ? I buy my OWN stuff with MY money. I haven't asked your for a dime since we left New York and when were you going to tell me that my auntie and cousins were killed ?" I yelled at her. She stepped back away from me and swallowed her guilt.

"I didn't think it was important." She said underneath her breath.

"You didn't think it was important to tell me that my family members were killed ? Lady you need help." I said walking toward the door.

"Where you think you're going?" She asked following behind me.

"Anywhere away from you." I said before slamming the door in her face.

I got in my car and cried my eyes out. It was to late to call Jazmine and talk to her. Moni was probably sleep at Malik's house.

I made up my mind and rode to Jayden's house. When I got there Karma's car was parked beside his. My tears quickly turned into tears of anger. I grabbed my keys and walked up to his door. "Please give me strength." I said before turning the key he gave me to his house and silently letting myself in.

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