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I cursed to myself as I dragged my bags out of my room, plunking them down in the hall as I waited for Louis to show up. He was late, as usual, and I was just about to call and yell at him when Harry emerged from his room carrying his own gear. We both seemed caught off guard to see the other, and it appeared we were both under the impression that we were the only one home.

"What are you still doing here?" I asked him, wondering why he hadn't left with the rest of the team on the bus that morning.

"I could ask you the same thing." He laughed.

"I'm waiting on my idiot brother. We have to drive so we can be back early tomorrow morning for some charity thing my mom signed us up for." I sighed.

Niall, Shawn and Liam had left a few hours earlier so they could ride with the team to our away game, and I'd had to ask special permission for Louis and I to go on our own so we could get back.

"Ah yes, another victim of the parent's association charity ball." Harry laughed, and I realized that he was obviously being forced to go too. "My aunt is making me go. Something about it looking good to have the Dean's nephew help out."

"Well at least I won't be alone in my misery." I sighed, dreading the thought of going already.

"So you and Louis were gonna drive too? Where is he?"

"Who bloody knows, the kid drives me mental. He's gonna be late for his own funeral." I said, pulling out my phone and checking the time.

"Well...you can come with me if you want. I've got my aunt's car." He offered. "Actually, we could all go together. It makes more sense."

"That's if the idiot gets here in the next ten minutes. He knows I can't be late, we aren't all the captain who gets away with murder." I said, my annoyance clear as Harry just chuckled.

Before we could say anything else, the front door burst open and Louis came hurrying in, smiling over at me as I shot him a look.

"Well come on then, let's go. You're gonna make us late." He said as he grabbed my bag and I rolled my eyes at him before he noticed Harry. "Styles? What the hell you still doing here?"

"Same thing as you." Harry shrugged. "Gotta be back in time for the charity event, was gonna drive myself."

"Oh my god, yes!" Lou said with exaggerated relief. "You can drive my car and I can take a nap."

"Sounds good." Harry laughed and I did my best to hold back my annoyance at my brother.

The two of them carried my bags for me out to Lou's car and loaded them in while I hopped in the passenger seat. Harry climbed into the driver's side and adjusted the seat back as my brother sprawled himself out in the back seat, moaning like he hadn't slept in years.

"Are you hungover?" I asked him, my irritation obvious in my tone.

"Relax, Teej." He sighed as he rested his head on a pillow.

"Lou, I swear to god if you show up late tomorrow or hungover I'm gonna-"

"Oh my god, chill out! I told you I wouldn't, we talked about this. I won't give Mom a reason to bitch at you, relax before you have a fucking stroke." He scoffed. "Jesus."

"Alright, bro. Just take your nap." Harry said as I shot Louis a glare and he rolled his eyes before settling in for his sleep.

I sighed and closed my eyes, doing my best to keep myself from crawling back there and smacking the shit out of him, as Harry pulled out of the parking lot and we started on our three hour drive. I slid off my shoes and tucked my legs up under me, reaching for my bag and pulling out various snacks before I grabbed my ipod and synched it to Louis' stereo.

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