Declarations and Italianio - Chapter Thirteen

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"I have been unable to live an uncommitted or suspended life. I have not hesitated to declare affiliation with an extremely unpopular cause."

Edward Said


Abbi woke, being uncomfortably too warm.

Nathaniel's head was on her chest, and she felt his one of his legs in between her own. His hands wrapped around her waist, and Abbi didn't know whether she felt satisfied or dismayed. 

Half of her didn't want to be here, in his arms, but another dominant part disagreed immensely. That part liked the way her skin reacted to his breathing. It demanded that she touched him; to rub circles in his shoulders, or trail her mouth up his jaw.

And even though these actions would only make things move faster; Abbi couldn't force herself to do anything; she didn't want to.

She tried pulling herself from the overheated encirdement. Nathaniel only moaned and hugged her to him, tighter.

Abbi almost choked and started shaking him, trying to get the stubborn weight from her body.

Nathaniel grunted. She started shaking him harder. "Hm?" he mumbled. 

"Nathaniel ..." Abbi whispered in a hush voice. "Let me up."

He shook his head, she could feel the silky strands of his hair shaking against her skin.

"No." Nathaniel growled. She scowled and started thrashing, just enough to wake him up. He seemed agitated, and his mouth moved to the inside of her neck. Abbi couldn't help it; she flinched. Nathaniel felt it.

He kissed her neck, his smooth lips a soft pressure. "I would never hurt you, Abigail." He hushed.

Abbi nodded, trying to squash his face with her chin, he moved just in time and instead, his mouth was at the bottom of her jaw. Her skin got hotter than it already was, as she shivered. Abbi felt his hands at her waist moved down to lightly brush her upper thighs.

"I know," Abbi whispered, her voice ragged as she struggled to breath.

Nathaniel chuckled against her, and then suddenly made some type of noise. It was a different noise compared to his laugh just seconds ago. He pulled away from her, leaving Abbi refreshingly cool.

She attempted to look sad at his absence, but he wasn't paying attention.

"Did my Grandfather bite you, Love?" He asked quietly.

She started and looked into his guarded expression, trying to keep her own eyes resigned and innocent. "No. Why do you ask?" Abbi was relieved when her voice was smooth and curious.

Nathaniel frowned. "Because ... I can smell - him on you." His face had turned horrific, and briefly Abbi witnessed his eyes flashing red. Lucifer's eyes were black. But Nathaniel turned his body away from her own and slipped from the bed.

Now, in her own reality, Abbi felt guilty, and a little bit questioning.

"What's the matter?" She inquired softly, moving to sit behind his standing form beside the cushions.

"Although nothing prevents it in Vampiring Laws, biting another Vampire's Subjugate is a sort of taboo. Unspoken off, and highly offensive; and I can smell my Grandfather on you."

Abbi froze, her fingers softening on his shoulder. "But - but - he didn't touch me." She said, lying through her teeth, but trying to sound meaningful and confused.

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