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??? P.O.V

Hmm it seems there's more to Ayato than I thought. He stronger than I thought as well. I wonder if I should do something about this.......Nah

Third P.O.V

Ayato could feel eyes on him the entire walk out of the woods but he said nothing, he was too satisfied with putting Hinata in her place to worry about some creeper. Just in case though, he examined the chakra of the person following him to see if they were a threat.

'Oh? Now why would he not say anything even after watching me play with Hinata? Doesn't matter as long as he keeps his mouth shut' Ayato thought to himself

As Ayato entered the classroom he catches sight of Naruto and Sasuke sitting next to each other. Just as Ayato was about to call out to his lovely naru-kun, he saw Sakura push him roughly out of his seat.


Everything was silent until a heavy weight of malice and hate filled the air causing everyone to have difficulty breathing but the one suffering the most was none other than Sakura Haruno, who was on the ground choking and clawing at her throat frantically until the pressure lifted causing her to cough at air suddenly filling her lungs.

As everyone regained their bearings they finally turned to where the feeling had originated and a feeling of dread filled them as they saw Ayato. People stumbled out of his path as he made his way to Sakura stopping right in front of her and bending over putting his face mere inches from hers giving her a clear view of the rage and disgust that shown through

"What right do you have to treat him like that when you yourself will never amount to anything" Calmly spoken silk words ripped through Sakura like a blade bringing tears to her eyes.


"Don't speak to me like we're familiar bitch! How dare you condescend someone who has worked hard and suffered to get where they are when you have never worked for anything? I've seen the way you look at Uchiha over there, you really think he'd ever fall for someone as pathetic and ugly as you? All you're good for is spreading your legs for any drunk guy with some yen who needs a quick fuck" Ayato growled as river of tears start flowing from Sakura's eyes at every word before he begins to smile maliciously

"I bet that's exactly what you're training for, wearing such short stuff to school" Ayato chuckled darkly "Bet you're waiting for some drunkard with a school girl kink to come along and take you"

"T-That's not true!! You're lying, my parents raised me better than that!" Sakura yelled in Ayato's face gaining some of her bravado back before it instantly deflated at Ayato's sneer

"Your parents? You actually think they give a damn about a waste of space like you? They put you here knowing you'd amount to nothing, they put you here with the hopes that on your first serious mission you'd be killed. They don't care whether you live or die they just want you out of their lives forever" Ayato said softly and sweetly using his gifts to make every word stick.

Sakura collapsed into tears, sobbing and wailing at the top of her lungs as Ayato stood ignoring the pink haired girl and walking around her towards Naruto crouching next to him in concern

"Are you alright naru-kun? She didn't hurt you right?"

"N-No I'm fine Ayato-kun but why did you say such mean things to Sakura-chan?" Naruto asked confusion and love pouring from him in waves.

"She was being a b-um a very mean person to you naru-kun, I can't allow that. I told you I'd protect you from everything, even your own classmates" Ayato said picking Naruto up and dusting him off before nudging Naruto gently towards the door

"It's your turn to take the test naru-kun. Go on" Ayato said gently pushing Naruto out the door before closing it and turning towards the class a menacing look plastering his face.

"Listen here, anyone of you touch insult or even look at Naruto the wrong way again I'll break every last one of you in the most painful ways possible and they'd never find you again. Is that understood?"


"I said 'IS THAT UNDERSTOOD?'" Ayato boomed and whimpers and cries of agreement filled the air before it calmed once again. Ayato smirked in triumph before looking to the back of the class.

"Nara, I wanna have a talk with you"

Shikamaru Nara rose from his seat and warily walks down and towards Ayato


"Not here" Was all the warning Shikamaru got before he was grabbed by the arm and pulled out of the classroom, down the hall and into the bathroom. Shikamaru turned towards Ayato stepping back warily as Ayato locked the door.

"I know you were the one following me earlier Shika-kun" Ayato purred stepping closer to Shikamaru smirking as he took a step back

"I don't know what you're talking about Ayato-san" Shikamaru said boredly before gasping as he was pushed against the wall

"I don't like liars Shika-kun~ So try again" Ayato growled staring at Shikamaru hungrily

"Fine, I saw what you did to Hinata but I won't tell anyone" Shikamaru said before muttering "Never liked the skank anyway"

"Oh I'm going to make sure you can't tell anyone" Ayato smirked before crashing his lips against Shikamaru's in a heated kiss

Shikamaru stuggled in defiance for a bit before relaxing and kissing back wrapping his arms around Ayato's neck as he circled his arms around Shikamaru's waist pulling him closer and forcing his tongue into his mouth elicting a gasp before Shikamaru pushed him away and put his hands over his mouth as it burned

"W-What the hell d-did you do t-to me!" Shikamaru yelled between whimpers of pain as he held his mouth

"There's a seal on your tongue that makes you unable to tell anyone what happened between me and Hinata and it prevents you from telling or showing anyone you have the seal, you can't write nor sign it either" Ayato said smugly before leaning down and kissing Shikamaru on the forehead before turning and leaving the bathroom

'Now to find and congratulate my naru-kun on passing the exams'

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