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Ship: Zonah

Pair: ZachxJonah

type: sickfic

song: shnack  By- Eben (because why not)

Warnings: none


3rd person

Zach had been sick and throwing up with a fever for what seemed like weeks now. It was starting to worry Jonah and he wanted to take his boyfriend to the hospital or something. but he couldn't force Zach to see a doctor so he just tried to help him through the nasty stomach flu he had clearly caught somehow.

"Hey, Jonah we have an interview come on!" Daniel called as Jonah looked at a sick, sleeping, pale Zach who was laying next to him and sighed before getting up slowly. Zach whined waking up slightly while Jonah just kissed his burning forehead and shushed him to go back to sleep. The oldest made his way downstairs looking at the boys, worry evident in his eyes. 

"I don't think I should go..." Jonah looked back at the stairs debating mentally to leave Zach for an hour and do the interview or stay and make sure he's ok.  "Why not is Zach still really sick?" Jack asked as Jonah just nodded which worried the rest of them. 

"Take him to the doctor Jo" Corbyn started as they all heard a loud crash from up the stairs. They looked at eachother before calling Zachs name and running up the stairs. "Hey, babe?" Joanh called again still worried as he ran into their shared room noticing the youngest band member laying lifeless on the floor. "ZACH!?" Daniel and Corbyn tried to shake him awake as Jack and Jonah called 911. 

"Yes he's had the stomach flu for like three weeks now and he passed out and won't wake up," Jack said talking to the operator on the phone who sent an ambulance to get Zach, who they still couldn't wake up. 

Jonah went in the ambulance with his younger boyfriend to the hospital as the other three drove there. 


"He's got an extremely bad strain of the flu and since he just couldn't keep any food or water down he's very anemic and tired which you've probably noticed" One of the doctors explained to the boys making the oldest feel even worse for not taking Zach to a doctor sooner. "So when he stood up today with no help like you had been doing for him Jonah, he was really dizzy and just blacked out, he's gonna be ok and he's asking for you Jonah," The doctor said making him look up. "O-ok," He said and walked back to zachs room. 

When he walked in and saw Zach, Jonah gave him a small smile and sat next to him on his bed. "Im sorry I didnt bring you to a doctor sooner babe I thought you would get better," Jonah said still feeling bad. 

"Its ok it's not your fault" Zach smiled at him 

"I love you Zay"

"I love you too feel better baby boy"


Kinda crappy but I have homework 




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