The Ghost Bride

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Mr. Lao saw the reaction on Ling Ling right away and prompted to jump in.

"Now with this proposal, you'll enter our family as my daughter in law. You'll be the wife of our son, so that means all your financial trouble will cease to exist. I promise to take care of you, your mother, and your siblings as long as they're underage."

Ling Ling's eyes widened at the conditions while her mother who sat at her side gasped with excitement. She'd be willing to give up her daughter instantly for a chance to crawl out of poverty.

Ling Ling inhaled a steadying breath, perhaps she heard Mr. Lao wrong. Surely, there's got to be a mistake. She cleared her throat as she spoke. "There's got to be a mistake, I'm nowhere near close to Bolin that way."

Mr. Lao smiled "That don't matter, child."

She blinked still trying to get a grasp of the event that's unfolding. "But, don't Bolin have a girlfriend? I thought he had a steady girlfriend?"

Ling Ling could've been certain she saw Bolin drove around town with a girl in towed. It could had been a different girl each time, but she hardly paid attention. She was never one of those girls who chased after him, not even back in high school.

Mr. Lao's lips thinned as he leaned back and sank deeper on the chair, he wasn't going to deny his son's womanizing habit. "I know this must come as a shock to you, but we're prepared to offer a huge dowry."

Mr. Lao knew his son cared for Ling Ling. They found saved messages from his laptop and phone that was never sent. He knew his son was just terrified to speak to her. As a man, Mr. Lao understood how hard it was to conjure a courage to speak to a girl that made a boy nervous the most. He knew that's exactly what Bolin went through. 

He picked up his head with more motivation. "By all means, take your time deciding."

They were soon distracted by a sudden atrocious howling. It was Mrs. Lao who erupted in her ugly over-dramatic wailing.

Ling Ling concealed her cringe while Mr. Lao was quick to tend on his mourning wife.

On the outside, the couple seemed affectionate and loving to each other. Before long, Ling Ling felt a nudge that came from her impatient mother. Her lips pursed and pointed to Mrs. Lao.

Ling Ling raised an eyebrow lost at what her mother was trying to say. 'What, mother?"

The woman's forehead knotted into a scowl and the nudge became a violent jab on her daughter's rib. "Go tend to Mrs. Lao you clueless child!"

Ling Ling hurriedly got up to tend to Mrs. Lao when she noticed her cries only got louder and louder as she denied them immediate response. If she wasn't mistaken, Mrs. Lao's cries erupted loudly when she offered no answer at once. The more she lingered her response, the more Mrs. Lao cried.

Mr. Lao made gentle circles of his hand on his wife's back as he comforted her. "Perhaps, we should leave for now." He said in a gentle voice overflowed with concern for his wife. "I don't think my wife is feeling so good."

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