Care for Something Sweet Valentine? [Izuku x Android 21] (Dragonball Fighterz)

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Today marked a day on every calander for any guy in middle school or in high school. Many boys marking it on their calenders as a day where something may blossom to something more meaningful in their lives. Where the cherry blossoms seem to flutter more in the air and seem more pink and bright like cotton candy.

"It's today! Bring on the candy and love!" Mineta and Kaminari shouted as they, along with some of the other guys in class 1-A walked to school together. "Dude, you think we'll actually get confessions today?" Kaminari asked as Mineta smiled and gave him a thumbs up. "Hell yeah! Even not, we get chocolate from the girls!"


Yes. Today is Valentines day. Or as for Mineta and Kaminari put it, 'A day to score with chicks'. 'I will never understand those two.' Izuku thought as he adjusted his scarf on tighter as the cold air caused him to shiver. "Dude, you two may be lucky to even get mandatory chocolate." Kirishima and Sero added their rebuttle to the two perverts as many of the others can't argue with him.

"Shut up! We may actually get some chocolate this year!" Mineta said as he comedically sheded tears. "You don't know what it's like. To be some of the boys in class to not get chocolate." He said as Mineta and Kaminari wrapped their arms around Bakugou and Izuku. "He's right, you all may get chocolates, but we're stuck alone and without sweets." Kaminari exclaimed as he tighten his hold on Bakugou.

"If you fucks don't let go of me right fucking now, I will kill you." Bakugou growled as Kaminari oblidged to that threat. "Um..I don't really get why you all are crying, but I tend to get a lot of chocolates today." Izuku said nonchalant as Mineta's hold loosened and thus allowed him to continue walking.

The guys could only stare at him with surprise as he still walked down the road. Feeling uncomfortable with the staring behind him, he turned to see their faces? "Is something wrong?" Izuku asked as Mineta ran up to him and grabbed onto his scarf and tugged on it tight. "Bullshit! You are too dam shy and have no courage with woman! How the hell can someone like you get more candy than any of us today you bastard!"

He screamed as he pulled back and forth on Izuku's scarf, bot suffocating and shaking him in the process. "S-Sto-ack! St-op sh-ach!-cking Me-eee!" Izuku choaked out as his bag fell to the ground and Iida and Shouji having to pry the little grape off of Izuku. "Mineta! Stop trying to kill your fellow student over something trivial as..cho..collate.." Iida said as he then looked at the floor where Izuku's bag had fell.

The bag opened to reveal a bustle of chocolates, cake, cookies, candy and even macarons and cupcakes in heart shaped or hand wrapped packaging. "Ah! All my sweets...well at least they're still inside so they're still good to eat." Izuku said as he kneeled down and packed everything back in as the guys looked at him in shock.

"You really do have a lot...AND BEFORE SCHOOL YOU SMOOTH CURLY HAIRED SON OF A BITCH!" Kaminari shouted as he grabbed him by the collar this time and shook him hard. "Why!? How!?" He shouted as Izuku's scarf came loose and fluttered off of his neck. Kaminari stopped and saw what was on his neck.

A various amount of hickies and bite marks were scattered on his neck. Some even having pink lipstick marks and look like they were done recently. "U-Umm...I can explain." Izuku said as he then grabbed his scarf from the floor and put it back on, then proceded to run away. "GET THAT PRICK!" Bakugou shouted as the guys were now on the chase to Izuku as he ran as fast as he could to get to school.

"F-Finally made it..." Izuku said as he went inside the door, just barley making it before the others had to stop and control themselves. "You're fucking lucky you shitty nerd." Bakugou growled as he took of his normal shoes and placed them in his locker. "Ehehehe..." Izuku laughed a bit as he opened his locker, to only find it stuffed with sweets and valentines falling out of it.

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