-Chapter seven-

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/3rd pov/

Jin look at Taehyung with smirk and pick him up. "Okay Baby boy", Jin say and walk in wc. Taehyung is shaking in panic.

"Taehyung-ah don't panic! Everything is alright. Jin said calmly and stroke Taehyung's soft hair.
"I'm sorry hyung.." Taehyung whine and sniffles.
"It's okay, I understand honey", Jin smile and kisses Taehyung's cheek.

"JINNNN AND TAEHYUNG??! WHERE THE HELL YOU TWO ARE?" Yoongi yells angrily. Tears start fall on Taehyung's cute ball face.
"Oh my, Taehyung what's wrong?" Jin ask in panic.
"Yoonie-hyung is mad at me", Taehyung cry.
"Huss baby, no he doesn't", Jin said quietly as they walk to other boys.

Namjoon ran to Taehyung and pick him up.

"Hi Taehyungie", Joon chuckle. "Hello joonie", Taehyung giggle cutely and give small kiss to Namjoon's nose.
"TaeTae is hungry :(" Taehyung whine and shake older.
"Okay, let's go eat, but stop shake me", Namjoon laugh.
"Okay, TaeTae stop", he say and pouts.

"Why Taehyung talk on 3rd person when he is whit Namjoon hyung?" Hoseok cries and jump up and down.
"I don't know", Jungkook mumble angrily and walk to the car, the he go into it.


Should I write smut?

And who is with TaeTae?







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