Chapter 7: The Book Part 2

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A few days later Kara was sitting at Lena's office yet again, typing out some more ideas, a bunch of drafts, but in Kara's opinion it was better than nothing.

It had been a while since Alex had accidentally sent out Kara's book, and she never got a call back about it. So Kara decided to just let it go, no point in bringing it up with Lena seeing as the book wouldn't get published.

"Hey Kara! You're here early" Lena says as she walks into her office towards Kara.

"Yeah, I got up early this morning and decided to just come over, I hope you don't mind, Jess wasn't here so I sorta let myself in" Kara said as she hugged Lena.

"No it's fine, don't worry about it" Lena sits down in front of Kara as the blonde continues typing out her book.

"Hey, did you ever get a call back about that book?" Lena asks.

"No, but I'm not disappointed, I didn't really want that book published, so I'm a bit relieved"

"Really? Interesting. Because you seemed very excited at the idea when I first pitched it to you last week" Lena raises her eyebrow.

"I guess I was, but it doesn't matter. Let's just drop it please? I actually got this good idea for a romance novel so I'm fine"

Lena raises her hands in defeat as she goes back to checking through her emails.

They sat there in silence for a few hours, each working on their own projects. Kara was typing page after page, she was convinced that Lena was her inspiration, something about being around her made her feel comfortable and ideas were streaming out.

Kara stopped typing for a moment and took in a deep breath. She glanced up at Lena, who was busy working on answering emails.

Kara stared at Lena for a while, admiring her.

Maybe it wouldn't have been so bad if the book got published, then Lena would find out about my feelings for her without me having to confront her.

Kara sighed. She knew she wasn't a coward. So either she would be the one to tell Lena or Lena would never find out.

Kara's thoughts were interrupted as her phone rang.

"I'm sorry, I forgot to turn it on silent, it'll be just a moment" Lena nodded as Kara went to the corner of the room.

"Hello?" She answered the phone.

"Hello, is this Kara Danvers?"

"It is" Kara says as she glances over at Lena who had already been looking at her. Lena raises her eyebrow, confused.

"Great! This is Kaitlyn Young from National City's Cloud Journals, I'm calling to say that the book you submitted was fantastic! Our publishers are very impressed and would like to discuss a book deal" Kara's jaw dropped and Lena got up to stand next to her.

Kara pulls the phone away from her and covers the mic.

"It's the publishing company, they want to discuss a book deal, they loved my book" Kara whispers to Lena.

"Oh my God! Kara! This is huge!!! You HAVE TO ACCEPT!" Lena excitedly runs over to grab her phone. "We have to celebrate this, I knew you'd get it"

Kara's expression saddens, as she was planning on turning down the deal. There was no way she could have the book published, everyone would know who it's about! Not to mention Lena would probably freak out and never speak to her again.

"Lena I actually was-" Kara was cut off by the sound of Kaitlyn on the phone.

"Hello? Miss Danvers? Are you still there?"

"Hi yes I am, sorry I was just thinking about it" Kara says as she looks at Lena who was already spreading the good news to everyone. Except for Kara it wasn't so great.

Seeing Lena so excited, it would break her heart knowing that Kara declined the offer. So Kara did the most logical thing she could think of.

"Okay, I'm open for a book deal" Kara said and Lena smiled widely at her, excitement spread all over her expression.

After Kara hung up the phone with Kaitlyn, she walked over to Lena.

"Hey Lena-" Kara wanted to tell Lena that the book was about her, and that she still feels just as much for Lena as she did in high school, but Lena's joy for Kara's book deal made her change her mind. She couldn't ruin this moment.

"Let's celebrate!" Lena smiled at Kara's spirit and they headed out of the office and back into town.


Kara met up with Alex and Maggie at a bar in town, Lena had invited all of Kara's friends and co-workers to celebrate with her, except Kara didn't feel like there was anything to celebrate, as soon as Lena reads the book, It's over for Kara. And she couldn't bare the thought of losing Lena, not now, not ever.

"Hey, you alright?" Alex asks her sister as she walks over, Maggie close by.

"I guess" Kara says as she sighs.

"She's going to find out, you know?" Alex says as she sits on a stool next to her.

"I know! I'm so doomed. I don't know what to do Alex, I could lose her!" Kara panics as she fiddles with her phone.

"first, you need to calm down, second, maybe you should take this opportunity to tell her? She won't react badly, heck she'll probably be over joyed. But if she finds out from someone else, it won't end well, and I'm sure you know that"

Kara sighs, her sister was right. As much as she wanted to hide in a hole and never come out, she knows the right thing to do is to tell Lena the truth.

And that's exactly what she's going to do.


Yall thought I died I bet LOL. Sorry for the long ass wait!! Ive been sooooooooooooo busy with school and then I had the worst writers block ever. But im back! And im planning on finishing the book today, hopefully I do! Thank you guys for almost 1K reads! I appreciate all the support :)


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