Part 13-this is where it gets interesting

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Can you smell it yet? That's right the time is nearly here just carry on a little bit, anyways on with the story, enjoy...

Third person
Chaos sighed, "I knew that would happen, poor kid,"
"What happened?" Autumn asked.
"It's not my take to tell," Chaos said, "Anyway I would like you to meet some-" he was cut of by someone jumping down in front of him. "Greetings, my name Rhaisa, nice to meet you," a girl said, she brown hair that curled slightly at the end, skin that was a mix between pale and olive skin, striking green eyes and faint freckles that spread across the bridge of her nose. "Why hello Rhaisa. My name is Summer, it's a pleasure to be at your service," Summer smiles, bowing. Spring just nudged him and said "Hi, my name's Spring, sorry about that, he's a bit of a flirt, you'll just have to get used to him."
"Hello, my name is Autumn, lovely to meet you." Autumn said shaking her hand. Chaos coughed from behind Rhaisa, she then stepped aside and looked at him. "Yes hello Rhaisa, this is my elite group I told you about, the seasons however Winter is not here right now."
"Why not?" Rhaisa asked.
"He is dealing with some uh, personal issues." Chaos answered, "Anyway," he turned towards the group, "Rhaisa is here to help you out in the voi- I mean camp half blood,"
"Wait we're not going to the void? That's so unfair," Rhaisa whined. Autumn had just taken a sip out of a can of coke she got out of the fridge only for her to spit it out, "You mean you wanted to go into the void?"
"I mean yeah, I wanted to see what it was like," Rhaisa said, as if it were normal to think that. "Well Rhaisa here is the third most powerful being in the universe, after me and Winter of course," Chaos said, "She's actually not from earth and likes to push herself to the limit." Rhaisa held up her fingers to show that her fingertips were green, they then swirled into the colour of her skin. "Cool," Summer whispered. Suddenly there was a loud bang from far away. Chaos coughed "That's probably Winter, I'll be back" He then walked out of the room.

Chaos' POV
As I walked out of the living room I sighed, dreading to see what Percy had done in his rage. The kid's been through a lot and I hate to do this to him. He also gets a hard time from Spring, of course she doesn't know what her 'all time hero' Percy has gone through to become the person she hates most. After a few metres Percy's room door popped up, I opened it and walked in. "Percy? Where are you?" I asked, risking anyone hearing and finding out his true identity, though I knew it would make him listen. There was no answer. I knocked on the bathroom door to see if he was in the shower, still no answer. I walked back to the centre of his room, I felt a small draft, I turned around looking for the source. After a while I saw that a window was left open. "Oh no," I whispered to myself. I flew out at the speed of light, "Percy?" No answer, "PERCY?!" The thoughts going through my head were ridiculous, though what if they were true? What if Percy had gone to the void to try and stop him before he went to earth. I kept jk shouting his name, flying further and further away from planet Forveros into the empty space. And then I saw him, my heart stopped beating so fast. He was just flying in that one spot, he was staring at what looked like an exploded planet. "I'm sorry," he whispered, his voice hoarse "I got engulfed by my anger, I didn't mean to."
"Oh Percy," I sighed, then regretted it, waiting for him to start shouting, I braved myself, though instead I just heard him say through his teeth, "Don't call me that, I'm Winter and will be for as long as I live." That basically meant forever. I understood what the bang was, he was the one who exploded the planet. "There wasn't any life on it, except maybe the odd bacteria." He said. I just nodded "Come back when you're finished."
"Yeah," he sighed. I was about to fly away but then I remembered the important thing, "So are you gonna..." I stopped, knowing that he knew what I was gonna say. He sighed "Yeah, I mean fine I guess. I'm not gonna let a whole race die because of my petty grudges." I let out a breath, thanking that he changed his mind. "Okay I'm gonna go, also there's someone who is like you to meet." I said, Rhaisa popping into my head. He moved his head slightly to say that he just needed to be alone for a little while longer. And with that I went back to planet Forveros. As I walked back into the living room, I saw Rhaisa punning Summer down and Autumn and Spring laughing, they then silenced and looked up at me. "How is he?" Autumn asked. I saw Spring roll her eyes. "Yeah he's okay he just needed to be alone." I explained. "Is he going?" Summer said, standing up. "Yeah, it's just something happened to him there." I said.
"What do you mean? Like on a mission? Winter's not one to mess up." Summer said, now brushing himself off. "No, something before he 'became' Winter," I was trying to be careful and not give too much away. "What happened to him, I mean he's annoying but not usually *this* annoying." Spring asked, sometimes I just wanted to punch her, why couldn't she be as nice to him as much as everyone else. Autumn glared at her "What part of him is annoying? He literally doesn't say anything apart from something serious or a good joke." Spring rolled her eyes, I swear they're gonna roll out of her head one day, "Y'know how he's so.... mysterious and how-" she got cut off by Autumn, "He doesn't absolutely adore you? Not every guy has to like you, Spring."
Summer spat out the soft drink he was sipping, "Who said that?" Autumn looked at him, "C'mon Summer, you like basically every girl you meet." Summer nodded "True dat. Though what about Chaos? Do you like Spring?" I was just about to speak when I heard Spring's voice, "Woah, I don't need to know this, and I get it but he doesn't seem to like *anyone*." I just laughed. "Chaos? Would you like to tell us something?" Spring asked.
"No, no it's fine. You'll find out sooner or later." I chuckled. Just then Percy walked through the door. He coughed, "Um I would like to tell you something," he then saw Rhaisa "Oh uh, hi my name is Winter, nice to meet you," He held out his hand to her, she then shook it. "I don't see what they mean, you don't seem annoying at all, quite polite actually," everyone just glared at Rhaisa, then Winter just looked at us. "Anyway, I don't even know what you look like what with that hood of yours." She said.
"Uh, yeah." He said, "That's actually part of what I wanted to talk to you all about." I looked at him, not believing what he was about to say. "I want to show you my identity." He said, everyone except Rhaisa gasped.

Hi, I'm sorry I haven't updated in a turtle's life time, but ooh, a cliff hanger-don't you just love me. Anyway, thank you for reading and I hoped you enjoyed it. Also today was a snow day! No school for me. But yeah I'll try to update more.

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