One more thing... (please read)

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I really hope you enjoyed the Valentine specials!

But there's one more thing I wanted to tell you. A kind person and good friend of mine has recently released a book on Wattpad. I would be delighted if you'd take some time to check it out, and I'm sure she'll feel the same way about it! 

It's called 'Relveoria' by Maiya112002 and she really did her best on the book so please consider checking it out. I think the book will be very epic, but go and see for yourself! ;-)

Thank you so much for reading this and, if you'll check out the book, thank you for checking it out! I hope it will be to your liking though I think it will! ;-)

Oh, and Maiya112002, let me congratulate you on your book once again! Yay! ;-D

Thank you all, I love y'all and have a wonderful day! ;-)

Catch you later!


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