Chapter 3

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The exasperated, red-headed woman quickly masked her emotions. "What would you know of his whereabouts?"

"I know not where he is, and I have no impulse to help you find him," Loki replied smoothly.

Natasha brought her fingers up to the earpiece in her right ear, "Strange, bring us a portal, and bring the others. Someone needs a little more motivation."

A ring of orange sparks began to glow beside them. The Avengers and Dr. Strange stepped through the magic portal. "You are with this Midgardian sorcerer!" The raven-haired man exclaimed.

Loki lifted his head higher at the sight of the newcomers, though he felt a shiver run up his spine at how many people there were. He hadn't been around very many people, but the thought daunted him. The only time he had been around many people on Sakaar was when he was invited to the Grandmaster's parties.

He had no means of communication to the Grandmaster from his room. He thought that if he could conjure his unused magic, he might be able to teleport to an Attendant's intercom. He would probably be captured by the Midgardians and his brother before he could reach it. Loki thought he might be able to summon a dagger to his side.

"Loki," The one-eyed Thor boomed, catching his adopted brother's attention. "What has happened to Banner?"

Loki narrowed his green eyes that flicked over everyone in the brightly colored room. The God of Mischief clenched his fists as he concentrated on sorting through the thoughts of everyone in the room. His magic has not been used since his arrival on Sakaar.

Loki's eyes stopped to rest on the sorcerer. "One of your teammates has not told you his knowledge. Strange has your dear Banner at Kamar-Taj. He has been there for a week."

Before anyone could accuse him of keeping secrets, Dr. Strange interjected, "I was only following his request of keeping him out of this until we absolutely needed him. Dr. Banner wanted to stay hidden."

"Now that we've settled that, we can start looking for more help," Tony changed the topic.

"Brother, we are in need of your assistance," Thor began. "We need your knowledge of the Universe to help us find more people to help us fight for Midgard. Thanos is coming."

Loki quickly contemplated his options. The Mad Titain had imprisoned him, and the the thought of his torture made him sweat and shake. His mind was not his. Since his attack in New York, he had hopefully broken the connection between them. "I will help you," he replied slowly.

"Loki?" a feminine voice questioned from the doorway. "Who are these people? What are they doing here?"

"Nat, restrain her," the Captain ordered without looking back at the newcomer.

The black-haired woman twirled the dagger she had picked up from Loki's weaponry, prepared to fight. "Leave her alone," Loki stated as he took a step forward to intercept her.

"I'm not going to repeat my question, Champion," Valkyrie said as she walked through the parting team.

"These are the Avengers of Midgard," he responded, holding out his hand for her to place his dagger in.

The Valkyrie rolled her eyes as she placed the hilt of the dagger onto his open hand. He sheathed the weapon before gently taking her forearms in his hands. "I need you to buy me time away from Sakaar," Loki muttered, hoping to get her help.

"What's in it for me, Grand One?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.

The God of Mischief smirked, knowing her weakness, "I'll give you a bottle of rare booze from Phylaakri."

"Deal," Valkyrie gave a nod, taking her arms out of his grip. "I'll go make a distraction. But first, I'm going to need that booze."

"Right," He spun around on his heel and walked to a shelf that reached all the way to the ceiling of the room.

The shelf contained all his winnings from the arena, including booze, leis, scraps of armor, various weapons, and wilted flowers. Loki climbed up the shelves to the very top, where he hid his good booze from the alcoholic Valkyrie. "So that's where you keep the good stuff," she smirked when he returned to the ground.

The raven-haired man said nothing, but handed her the drink. She immediately began to down the rare Phylaakrian drink. A few of the Avengers stared in surprise as she finished the whole bottle in under a minute.

Valkyrie set the empty bottle on a table when she walked out of the room. Tony turned to the God of Mischief, raising his hand in a questioning manner. "Are you two a thing?"

Loki didn't reply, but began to make his magic. A glowing green ring was formed around everyone in the room. "What's her plan?" Tony asked another question, which went unanswered as well.

Loki muttered a spell beneath his breath. They were all transported to a bar on a planet unknown to the others. Men fought, drank, and gambled around them. Loki tilted his head slightly to the side as a glass came flying his way.

The God of Mischief approached a green-skinned woman that stood with a small group of various species. "Gamora, it has been some time since I saw you last," Loki greeted the woman and her group. "We are in need of your help, Guardians."

~Chapter End~

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