You In, Beautiful?

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A/N: This chapter is dedicated to Sxinclaire because she leaves the funniest comments! Ex: "kyaaa~ I want an order of Adam Barker. for take-out please XD". Nuff said ;)

Also: WARNING drugs and language in this chapter.

I had a strange sense of Deja Vu back in Jen's house. I'd been there only once and got into some trouble with her older brother, Ron, earlier last summer. He'd given both Jen and me our first taste of alcohol. He didn't stay longer to do any more then give us the bottle. Aaron had to take care of us after Jen drunk dialed him and he finally managed to get there. Girl bonding my ass. Aaron should not have left us alone with Ron. He was a bad influence, even Adam and Chace knew that.

Ron was a freshman in college and had gone to the same parties as them. If Adam or Chace knew I was there they'd have a shit fit, but I didn't have much choice. After Chace and I patched things up earlier that day I promised Aaron if he hung around with us I wouldn't complain about going out with him and Jen that night. I didn't knew we'd be going to Ron Reed's house.

I was sitting on Jen's basement floor by myself. Aaron and Jen were showing a massive amount of PDA in the corner on the couch. It was exactly like they were having sex in front of me, but they were all over each other. That's a sight no best friend should ever have to see.

I heard people walking down the steps. Ron and some other guy I didn't know came down. He looked so fimilar to me, but I just couldn't put my finger on it.

"Hey," Ron sat on the floor right in front of me and the other guy hesitantly followed him. Ron nodded toward Aaron and Jen, "What are you doing hanging out with the lip lockers over there?"

I turned my head slightly to see the couple making out. They hadn't taken notice of me for half an hour. Even with Ron and friend down here with me they didn't even noticed. Maybe if we set the damn basement on fire they'd notice.

I still seriously doubt it though.

I sighed and gave him a tight, polite smile, "I was forced to come."

Ron nodded, seemingly uncaringly. I'd always wondered why he'd asked if he was just going to ignore my answer. I knew he had heard me though because he chuckled under his breath while he reached into his coat pocket.

He pulled out paper and a bag of weed. My eyes widened. I could see him measure the amount he wanted with his eyes. Then he turned to me with an eyebrow raised and asked, "You in, beautiful?"

I blushed. "I-in?" I stuttered.

No matter how bad Ron was you must understand, he was hot. He had messy black hair and dark brown eyes. He was muscular, tan, and just the kind of guy teenage girls would fawn over. Adult women would eye him like candy. He was perfect for all ages past puberty. Every girl wanted Ron Reed. Some girls were smart enough to pick safety and values over, well being horny for a really hot guy. Those were mainly the girls Ron chased after. He'd use the willing ones, but discard them quickly.

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