The Call

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"What do you think is a good name to name our son?"

i sat down on Eragon's lap. looking at the stars on the Balcony.

"Honestly i'm still in shock by the news i haven't even thought of any names." He says.

Eragon's happiness is so contagious it makes me ten times happier. I don't what i gave done to deserve this type of miracles to happen to me. I am still feeling selfish because even though i am pregnant i still want more kids. At most seven. Would Eragon be up to having seven kids?

"How do you feel about becoming a father?"

He pulled me closer. To him as I ate my sour gummy bears.

"I used to think that I was not made to be a dad but now I love the thought of me being one. I made it more solid when i heard my child's heartbeat. That to me was a magical moment. Something that i will never forget."

"Well I happy to hear that." I say feeding him a gummy bear. "I love you."

He smiled.

"I love you too Jupiter."


"Oh hell no look at how the baby is coming out of her vagina." I cringed. Here we were both Eragon and I in the middle of the night looking at women giving birth on Youtube since i am doing a vaginal birth. Eragon looked pale and as if he was going to be sick.

"That hole opens up so big." He says in astonishment. I quickly shut the laptop shuddering at the thought of my hole opening up that big to push out our Child. I was seven months now and here i was looking at birthing videos because one of Eragon's business partners wife is so for giving natural birth saying there is a beauty to it but when we both looked it up where the fuck was it because i sure did not see it. It looked more like a nightmare. "Thank god I am a man. i do not think i'll be able to do that."

Eragon shuddered at the thought. I punched him slightly on his side. It was nighttime and I did not want the night to end because Eragon had to leave with his dad on a business trip and wont be back for another week. Just the thought of being alone with out him scared me. Eragon and I are inseparable. He always told me how much he hated being away from me. Which was the same with me.

"Do you really have to go?" I asked.

He sighed.

"Yes princess i have to go. My father is passing down the company to me so right now is a very critical i am everywhere he is." He says. I felt bad for Eragon for enduring such pressure on his shoulder.

"Just get back to me safe and sound." I say kissing him.


here i stood looking at the flowers that Drama picked out for the baby shower. They were creamy white. Very beautiful for my white and blue flower wall. I wonder if Eragon would like them. I smiled and shivered in excitement. i cant wait for him to come back home tonight. I missed my husband. We call every day he always checks up on me. This morning he told me that he was going to be a little late for dinner but he was going to be here.

I really miss him a lot I miss snuggling with him. I miss our late night conversations. I miss him cooking and making jokes which are now starting become dad jokes because they are so lame. He seems like a dad in the making which he is but he's fitting his role.

My phone started to ring.

"Oh girl go answer your phone your man trying to get it on tonight." Yells Selena fixing up the decorations for my baby shower.

Mom and mrs. Miller looked at me with knowing look. As if they've been in my situation. I cringe who likes to think their parents and their in-laws getting it on.

" is this Jupiter Deleon?" I hear deep voice from the other side of the line. What the hell. Why are they calling me Jupiter Deleon I now go by Jupiter Miller. And who is this guy overall.

"Who's asking?" I asked. I hear breathing from the other side online.

"Listen you little bitch. You are going to do exactly what i say or else your husband is dead you hear me." Says the evil voice from the other line. My heart dropped, my breathing quickened. "I'm going to send you an address where you can find your husband but you better come alone. Trust me I'll know if you bring somebody."

"What have you done to Eragon!?" I demanded as tears fell down my face. My friends stopped what they were doing. Then Drama stood in front of me signaling me to breathe in and out. Selena mouthed to put in on speaker in which i did.

The man chuckled evilly. It brought chills to my body.

"You don't want to know what i did to him. I'll give to him he is one hell of a fighter but not strong enough to beat more than one." He says hanging up. I feel down holding my pregnant belly. eragon was in danger.

What made me more scared was that they did not even ask for a ransom,nothing but my presence. I did not want to go alone. I was scared. I got a message from a private number sending me an address. I quickly looked it up and it was an abandoned warehouse.

"We should call the police." Says Danny instantly.

"No." I said immediately. "I have to go. I cant let them or whoever is behind this hurt Eragon."

"I have an idea." Says Drama. "We all go."

"I cant let you guys do that they would know. That is what the man warned me about that he would know if i brought somebody. That means someone is looking for everywhere i go." I say looking around the house.

"You know what here is what he are going to do." Say Jasmine pulling out a gun out of her purse. "We are not going to let these assholes intimidate you. What we are going to do is Drama is going to take a picture of the address then we will park a blocks away. We all have guns except you Jupiter but no shade."

That was actually calming my nerves a little knowing my friends where willing to do this for me.

"Bitch i got my gun right here." Says Tiffani pulling out a gun out of here Channel purse. I starting to think of becoming a gun owner at this point because all my friends pulled out there guns. According to Drama he says that he is rich he scared of getting jumped or robbed.

"They messed with the wrong pair of bitches." Says Drama.






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