Supernatural- What Do You Say?:

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Cold, grey eyes met mine as I stared straight into a ghost's dead expression. Tightly gripping the iron bar I held in my hand, I anticipated the spirit of an angry bride's next move.

As expected, it charged at me. I swung with all my might and hit her causing her to disappear for a short while. I began to run out of the room, however, the dead bride appeared before me and flung me across the room. I hit the aged wall and travelled into the next room. The impact on the floor caused me to lose my grip on the bar making it skid across the floor out of reach. The eerie ghost continued her way towards me, anger filled her dead eyes as she reached for my neck.

"Those idiots better hurry up," I sighed. I still had faith that Sam and Dean Winchester made it to the graveyard next door and were about to burn the body that use to belong to this spirit.

I closed my eyes then heard a scream from agonizing pain. Quickly opening my brown eyes, I brushed my hair out of my face and witness the fiery end of the bride. The boys finished the job on time.

I stood up and made my way outside to meet Dean, the older brother.

"Wow, you look like you had a rough night," he chuckled.

"Shut up," I sighed. "Maybe if you guys were faster, I'd be fine. Where's Sam anyway?"

"He's fixing up the grave back to its normal state," he glanced down to my side and tensed quickly. "I hope you know you're bleeding."

I felt my side and instantly groaned from pain. It was cut open and bleeding badly.

"You're losing it, Danni," Dean sighed and grabbed a first aid kit out of his trunk. He began to patch me up and keep me calm. He has always managed to keep me calm, it's a quality that I've always liked about him. He was my best friend; Sam was too, but I was closer to Dean.

I've known the brothers for a very long time. Both my parents died when I was young so John, Sam and Dean's father, took me in and raised me. I learned how to be a skilled hunter of the supernatural throughout the years.

"There you go," Dean charmingly smiled as he put a bandage on my wound. "Better?"

I nodded quietly, staring into his comforting eyes. I blushed and looked away. Luckily, Dean was oblivious and didn't notice.

Lately, I've been finding little things that Dean does appealing. I have started to develop emotions, but I have been suppressing them because I know it's not going to work out.

A couple hours later, we got to the motel we were staying at. It wasn't too shabby, like the others that we normally stay at. Sam immediately went to bed.

Dean and I decided to go outside and sit on the hood of his impala. He turned on the radio so that Led Zeppelin was playing.

"So, how are you feeling?" Dean said softly, after taking a swig from his beer.

"I'm alright, just a bit sore," I looked down avoiding his gaze.

"What's wrong?" he frowned. "You seem more tense than usual."

"Nothing. Just tired."

"Quit lying," he took another swig.

I glanced over and saw worry in his eyes. I tensed and averted my gaze back in front of me. I felt my cheeks get hot, and seeing that I have pale skin, it would turn into a blush.

I heard a small chuckle from him.

"And what's so funny?" I snapped.

"Nothing, you're just adorable," he smirked softly. "Look, I've noticed you're getting all shy around me now. That normally means emotions developing or something."

"N-no!" I quickly interrupted. "It's not that," hesitant, I continued, "even if I did... Start liking you, in that way, it wouldn't work Dean. You know that."

"Yeah, I guess that's right," he sighed and looked away. "I mean, you're hot and all, but.."

"I'm going to go catch some sleep then," I sighed and went back to our room.

The next day, we went out for breakfast at a diner. I sat across from Dean and stared at the table quietly.

"What's wrong?" Sam asked, his eyes concerned.

Sam was alway sympathetic, more than Dean. This aspect helped me out when Dean and I weren't on good terms.

I shook my head and stayed quiet. I noticed Dean was acting the same.

A scream broke the awkward silence between us and the boys and I quickly stood up to examine the problem.

A man in a suit was being held by a woman. His blood was dripping from her plump, red stained lips. She threw the man to the ground and laughed. she quickly turned her blonde head towards us and hissed her sharp teeth at us. She was a vampire.

"What do we do? Our stuffs in the car," my voice shook.

"We'll just lead her outside then," Dean looked at me with comforting eyes. "Hey bitch!" he addressed the vampire, "Want something to feast on?" he started heading towards the door and the vampire followed.

Now outside, Sam and I went to the car and took out our machetes. Dean trying to get away from the vampire stepped behind us. Without warning, the vampire lunged at me instead and bit my right arm. Her momentum threw me to the ground and she was on top of me. I slashed at her side which got her off. I stood up and ignored the searing pain traveling up up my entire arm.

"You alright?" Sam asked, watching for the vamps next move.

I nodded then went after her out of anger. I had her cornered but out of no where she flung me across the parking lot we led her to.

She pounced on me and was about to bite my neck. The next second, I felt blood drip onto my face. My eyes widened as her head flew off her body and landed two feet away from me. I pushed the beheaded body off of me and looked at my savior.

"Hey, you ok?" Dean asked, helping me up and brushed the blood off my cheek.

I nodded and winced immediately. I looked down and saw the carnage on my arm.

"We should get you to a hospital," he sighed.

We made it to the nearest hospital. I had lost a lot of blood, but everything was fine.

As I woke up I saw Dean sitting down in a chair gently holding my hand.

"Dean?" my voice was tired and weak.

"Hey," his eyes were soft and loving. "Sam went back to the motel. Glad to see your awake."

I smiled softly and managed to sit up.

"Danni, I was really worried about you," he sighed.

"I'm okay now. Don't worry," I chuckled.

"I know, but you got hurt," I noticed his cheeks were red. "I care about you a lot. More than you know."

I blushed slightly. Trying to hide it, Dean noticed and quickly placed his warm hand on my cheek. When I turned my head towards him he placed his forehead gently on mine.

"I'm sorry about last night. I was being an ass," his voice was soft and sweet. "And I'm sorry you got hurt today."

"I-it's okay, really," my voice shook. I was a nervous wreck. He was so close to me, our lips barely touched, sending a warm exhilarating feeling all over my body.

"No," he closed his eyes. "I want to make it up to you."

Once he finished his sentence, he set his lips on mine for a gentle kiss. His lips were soft and inviting. We kissed for a short while and he slowly separated our lips.

"I want to try this out," he smiled softly. "What do you say?"

I nodded quietly and smiled.

"Good," he chuckled as he planted another sweet kiss on me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2014 ⏰

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