Chapter 24: Family Trees

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Something - or someone - ran at their fastest speed nearby that the cold forest grounds leaves flew.

I was running again. Why is it always running? Why am I running?

I couldn't stop myself, and my unknown attire adrenaline made me see things. Or maybe they were really there.

I was aware that this was in fact a dream. The only thing I remember was coming back to the common room and going up to my bed.

It was like my mind wasn't there. It wasn't there, not running and panting heavily for breath, with cold sweat running down my head.

It was only my body. It was leading me to run, but I didn't want to. I was wearing my sneakers, and one of the laces just had to trip me.

I stopped running, and instead fell head first onto the ground. But I wasn't aware that I was on some sort of hill, and there was ending.

I just kept tumbling down, reaching my hands out to grab a tree or a branch. My hand was so close, before the tree disappeared.

I let out a shriek, as the whole scene changed. My clothes were somewhat already torn, but I didn't care.

What is this?

"Why am I here? What is here?" I called out to no one in particular. "If this is another dream I'm going to kill you, Alex! Help me!" I groaned, looking around.

It was the. . . park, near Spinners End. Where me and Severus always go.

"Where's the string, the blue
string. . . ?" I muttered, waiting to feel a tug somewhere in the back of my head.

Alex, anytime no-

"Olivia!" I gasped, opening my eyes and wincing at the bright sun light. I slowly say up, seeing Lily in the bathroom across the dorm.

"You were having another dream," She had a worried look on her face.

"I'm okay, the more and more I have them they seem to be more understanding. Now I can make am excuse that my mind really was in a gutter. . ." I smirked a little.

She stared at me. "Did you fall into a gutter?"


"You confuse me. So, I was meaning to tell you, I have a date to the dance." She turned back around.

"Really? Who is it?"

She mumbled something I couldn't really hear. "What?"

She sighed. "I said. . . I'm going with James."

Lately, she hasn't been calling him 'Potter'.

I grinned, looking at Marlene who was brushing her hair on the other side if the room. "You're serious? You really said yes?!"

"Yes, but I only agreed because. . . I think he really has changed." She blushed, turning away from us again.

"He really has! Oh my god, that's so cute!" Alice and Roslin teased Lily, as I just smiled and stood from my bed.

The thought of the dream was long gone from my thoughts.

Today, you could say everyone was asking. Asking their dates to go to the party with them, asking friends if a dress looked good on them, asking Professer's what day their homework was due. . .

The day was just full of questions.

"Hey, Gorgeous." I turned to Sirius, who had plopped into the chair next to me.

"Hey," I smiled lightly, before he stole some of my chocolate chip cookie. "Whatㅡ Hey! You always do this! Doesn't he always do this?"

I turned to Jennifer and Peter, who slowly nodded, before Jennifer nudged Remus. He chuckled, before nodding.

"And he only ever steals it when its chocolate chip."

"Wow, Moony. You just called out your own best friend. How does it feel?" Sirius ate the bit of cookie in silence, narrowing his eyes to Remus every now and then.

I jumped slightly, as a panting Alex came over and sat on the other side of James, slamming a book down on the table.

"What happened to you?"

"What happened to your face?" My cousin's snarky response came as a surprise, as we stared at him in silence.

"Well that was mean." Jennifer muttered, glaring.

"Sorry, I've been hanging around Marlene lately." He flipped through the book, before saying a little "aha!" and turning the book towards me.

"I found this. It's our family tree!" I had to reach over and pat Sirius' back, as he choked out breaths.

"Family tree. . . ?" I looked through the page, and it reminded me of the portrait Sirius told me he was burned from. The Black Family tree, it was.

"So, this is the Codwel family tree?" Alex nodded, finding a portrait at the bottom.

"That's Dad, and right there. . . That's your mum. I think the only reason we're in this book is because we're pureblood, and it wasn't intentional, but we've been pureblood for generations. It's interesting, oh, and we're in here too."

My eyes widened. "Really?"

"It's one of those magic made books Madam Pince keeps behind her desk. And don't tell anyone, but I might have stolen it. Every time a new member of one of the family's in this book is born, it's portrait is shown. Crazy, huh?"

"Really crazy," I flipped the page, seeing a similar looking portrait that could be me. Olivia G. Okay, that is me.

"Alexander D. . . Here you are." Sirius leaned over my shoulder, his breath tickling my neck as he pointed.

I let out a weird giggle because of the tickling, and like always, they all stared at me with strange looks.

"Stop breathing over me, it tickles!"


Up top is 'Run' by BTS and it was my motivation to finish this chapter, go listen to it :)


Out of writing all of these characters, I have to say I missed writing Alex the most cuz. . . Idk.

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