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Adonis' body begins to stir as he awakens from two hours of unconsciousness. At first, his vision is blurry, a lot like his mind in fact but then, his vision clears and then everything hits him like continuous crashing waves.

His body jolts up and starts to pace around the room with heavy pants. 'There are wolves here,' he thought, 'everyone here is wolves.' He couldn't deny nor testify, his mind and a little voice in his head wouldn't allow it.

By now, he was bordering insanity as he rocked back and forth against a wall that his back was currently pressed upon. Tugging at the ends of his hair quite tightly, he wondered and questioned.

Why did this happen to me?

Who wants this to happen to me?

No answers yet Adonis.

He raised his head slightly to a book shelf that was opposite from him that seemed to be calling his name. His body rose from the cold wooden floor as he trailed closer and closer until the familiar celestial voice averted his eyes to green book drowned in golden artwork.

'Lupus Historia'

'Wolf History', the voice whispered to him.

He didn't know what compelled him to open it nor read it but yet, he continued to flawlessly read the Latin writng even though he's never seen that language once in his life.

'Primum lupinotuum pectinem erat complexed creatura. Sed non per beátum fáciat eum genes Luna dea; Qui custodit animalibus hominibusque largitur. A versipellem esse nigrum ad in loci tribus qui habitabat in umbra terrendosque metu, Illinois. Numquam illum, prius ignoti erant versus laceratumque eos. Et dux qui est in novissima spe et territi sunt, in optimis militibus dux ejus quinque et impingebat in silvam ad pecus quoque occidite. Suum tamen opus esset, dux graviter lesi. Lapis perfectus in mensa positis super eum, sicut ipsi intuitu plenam lunam, et coeperunt orare Her. Principes eius in conscientiam et lux caeruleum lupi medio corpore aeris innatat. Lustrat dum corpora invicem substituti leviter corpus inducitur QUADRA et capitalis. Donec felicitatem consecutus. Lupos maxime assiduus est in media sui corporis sumpsit omnis potestas nisi in plena luna. Quasi lupi mores aeternum terrorem faceret donec rursus sol diem significare terrore lupi et finis. '

'The first werewolf was a complexed creature. It wasn't given by genes but it was blessed upon him by the Moon Goddess; the one who protects all animals and humans. A black werewolf used to terrorize a local tribe that inhabited Shadow Creek. Never did they see him coming until he pounced and mutilated them until they were unrecognizable. The Chief's people were frightened and as a last resort, the Chief and five of his best warriors stumbled into the forest to kill the beast. Though their task was completed, the Chief was severely injured. As they placed him on a stone table in perfect view of the full moon, they began to pray to Her. A blue light shone upon their unconscious Chief as his and the wolf's body began to float in mid-air. The bodies circled each other until they were merged and the Chief's body was gently replaced on the slab. Unfortunately, their happiness was destroyed. The wolf occupied half of his body but it mainly took full control on a full moon. The wolf's old habits seemed to never die as he would yet again terrorize the people until the sun rose to signify another day and the end of the wolf's terror. '

Adonis' body was overcome with fear as he remembered that he was surrounded by numerous wolves that were perfectly capable of mauling him to death.

'Et factus est dux uxor gravida non refertur ad ipsam ut multi reincarnated Diabolus vero et filii senex depravatum est bestia intra se minus quam monstri patrem suum esset. Non tamen adhuc esse et latitare sub umbris committere ponto barbara facta, licet magis ac magis lupi dea lunae erit nati sunt formatae ad quod quisque referred to as et sarcina; Barbaric Nominis Umbra est.'

'The Chief's wife became pregnant but many referred to it as the devil reincarnated, however, as the son grew older, the beast inside him was less of a monster than his father was. Though they would still lurk in the shadows and commit barbaric acts, the Moon Goddess allowed more and more wolves to be born until they formed what everyone referred to as a pack; the Barbaric Shadows.'

Adonis dropped the book as it sounded with a thud when it hit the floor. Someone else was in control of his mind and his actions now as he placed the book back into his hands and read the other pages.

'An alpha Pack est summum ducem, qui dominatur lupi superior ad alterum. Contrahitur per munus optime et feminam Lunam iuxta eum regnat.'

'An Alpha is a supreme pack leader who reigns superior to the other wolves. The role is inherited through his bloodline and his mate, the Luna reigns side by side with him.'

'Qui est secundus beta Alpha absenti. Hoc munus eius, hereditate nobis a sanguine est: et feminam: de dominatur Beta-Male a latere ad latus eo.'

'The Beta is the second in command who acts as the Alpha in his absence. This role is inherited through his bloodline and his mate, the Beta-Female reigns side by side with him.'

'Et qui potestatem tertius in Gamma is est Beta possit agere in absentia tum alpha et in eorum absentia. Quod munus est et hereditate nobis a sanguine ejus, mate et gamma-Female, partem cum eo in parte dominatur.'

'The Gamma is third in command that is able to act as Beta in his absence as well as Alpha in both their absences. The role is inherited through his bloodline and his mate, the Gamma-Female, reigns side by side with him.'

'Haec tria sunt maxime momenti in roles Pack aliqua hierarchia continentur. Sine illis super mortuo maxime necessaria est.'

'These three roles are the most important in any pack hierarchy. Without them, death upon the pack is inevitable.'

'Ipsam benedicit familia et semper se dea lunae alpha filium. Si autem filii et filiae habet facti sunt non est alpha,'

'The Moon Goddess always blesses each Alpha family with a son. If however there is no son and a daughter has to become the Alpha'

The writing in the book suddenly stopped which made his eyebrows furrow as he continued to flip through the other blank discoloured pages. His brain was being bombarded with ideas as to why the scribe stopped writing but all of it lead to narrow dead ends.

'You are of great importance to this world Adonis.'

The return of the celestial voice calmed his palpitating heart as the Moon Goddess appeared into his mind and beckoned him to come nearer. Her glowing blue arms wrapped around him with the swiftest of movements. Almost like a reflex, he hugged her back and savoured her touch like a child seeking comfort from their body.

This confused him even more, what was he supposed to do? What was he mean to become?


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