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The hosts surrounded the twins who weren't saying a word and weren't even exchanging glances at each other. Tamaki took a step toward them.

" okay why are you two acting up at a time like this?" The blonde exclaimed and looked at the twins.

" Tamaki I think we shouldn't question this right before the club is opened up. Refrain from asking questions and focus on the princesses. " kyouya says as he adjusts his glasses position.

Tamaki agrees. No specific theme was chosen so it was a casual hosting day. Hikaru and Kauro sat away from each other at different tables. No twin package today

When the hosting was over and all of the girls left, Tamaki and the others confronted the twins. But starting off with confronting the youngest twin, Kauro.

" explain why you and hikaru arent talking anymore! " Kauro sighs

" you really wanna know? "

" yes" the blonde. Said
" okay. Well...."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2014 ⏰

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