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Meet Robyn. Robyn was walking to theatre rehearsal. She stepped in the building and walked to her studio. The cast of her play was singing. She joined them. After rehearsal, she went to the dressing room. Walking past the girls' dressing room was an 11 year old boy named Ryan. Robyn was 10 and she stared at him as he walked by. Little did Robyn know, she and Ryan were going to get to know each other better the following summer at camp. Ryan and Robyn sometimes talked, but not that often. You may have thought Robyn would be the one telling this story but, you are absolutely wrong. I am the one who will tell you this story. Why? I have basically absolutely nothing to due with this story except that the year before this happened, I was leading a team with Ryan at camp. The directors and unit heads chose the captains. Somehow, me and Ryan were the youngest captains they chose from our unit. Yes, there were other captains. But this is not about me, it's about Robyn and this fanfic I am writing. You may be thinking, who the hell am I and why am I the one telling this story?! Well first of all, Robyn doesn't have wattpad. Second of all, I like telling stories. Third of all, Robyn told me all about this last night and I wanted to write a fanfic about it. Of course, I have her permission. But who am I? Robyn and me will meet very soon... Now less talking about me and more talking about the story! Come on, what are you waiting for?! Let's get into the details!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2018 ⏰

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