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Tobias was changed and had began his trip down to the quidditch pitch, he missed the one with Gryffindor vs Ravenclaw. Luckily news spread fast around Hogwarts, so he learnt even more about how much of a fraud Lockhart was. Why anyone would refuse to see this was beyond him. All of Hermione's points about his blonde locks and blue eyes meant nothing to him, plenty of people had blonde hair and blue eyes, he was nothing special. Still that would explain why Harry was one of the first through the curtains at the hospital, must have been painful, growing the bones back. He was changed and had a firm grip on his broom handle, together with his team they made their way down to the pitch. He was only stopped by Harry, he was panting and had this frightened look about him. He played many times before hand, surely this wasn't scaring him.

'Harry, you are not supposed to be here, this is Slytherins side. What's the matter?' Tobias rushed to his side, he knew something had to be wrong.
'It's Mcgonagall, something has happened she said she wants you to come with Ron and me to the hospital wing.' He seemed really worried.
'Yes, yes of course I will come. Flint, game is cancelled the seekers on each team are out. Mcgonagall said, I have to go. Put my broom away for me will you.' He threw his broom and the captain caught it, with a curt nod Marcus wished Tobias good luck and went back into the changing room.
'He actually seems nicer than I thought a Slytherin could be.' Harry off handedly commented as they walked back to the castle.
'That is because he is nice, and you believe in stereotypes.' Tobias laughed at his brother who was shocked.
'I do not!' Harry defended.
'Of course brother. What did Mcgonagall want?' He only just realised he had never asked.
'She never said.' Harry murmured.

They skipped steps as they ascended to the hospital wing, only on the way up Tobias thought of what could unite all three boys. He only hoped he was wrong, if he was right, then the person is on a hospital bed because of him. At the entrance stood Ron with the head of Gryffindor house, Tobias let his heart drop into his stomach as he noticed the mirror she clutched. Hermione's mirror. Tobias let his head fall, if he just looked himself in the school library, Hermione would be fine. He just had to play quidditch, all four of them walked into the room and two of the golden trio (as they were known) ran straight to the bed.

'Hermione.' Harry spoke as Ron poked her face.
'She had this mirror, do any of you know why?' Mcgonagall raised the mirror she had been holding outside.
'No.' Ron and Harry chorused.
'Tobias, how about you?' He had been focusing on the paper that she had balled in her fist.
'No, sorry Professor.' Yes, and it's my fault.

She nodded and left the three children, whilst Ron and Harry fussed over Hermione, Tobias looked himself in the mirror. Behind himself he saw a bed, cabinets and a nurse in a painting. She sat with a book open, it was about cures and antidotes. He looked at her eyes, she winked, Hermione was looking around the corners. Yet, the question remains, why? With a soft throw the mirror landed on the free space on the bed, he left without a goodbye. A quick pace took him to the library, why? He had no clue, he knew he was looking for a book the had a ripped out page. Yet which one? So many on magical creatures, but he was sure it was a basilisk. A free book was left on a desk with a chair pushed out, surely, that was it. He looked at the title.

Venomous Snakes and how to execute them.

He flipped it open and saw a page ripped out, it was on basilisks, he knew it! He slammed it shut and put it back, he didn't need Hermione in trouble after he had gotten her petrified. It came to him as he rushed out that he didn't know where the basilisk was, if he was right about the creature, then maybe it was traveling via pipes. He sat down, think. He needed to think. Pipes, main link, bathroom. Myrtle! How could he have been so oblivious this school year. He felt like a right imbecile. This must be how his brother feels. How does he live? This is torture, being, normal. Being basic. She died, from yellow eyes, by a sink with a snake. With a burst of adrenaline he ran past a few dotted students, some members of staff told him to slow down. Mainly Filch, which was why he didn't slow down. His thought process took him longer then expected, night was well upon the castle now. Those few students would be told to go to the common rooms, they mentioned Hogwarts being closed, that a child had been abducted but he kept running. The door to the girls lavatory was open, he rushed in and saw Myrtle, she was happy.

'Oh hello Tobias, how are you? You seem very out of breath.' She floated to him. He was so, so he gathered his breath.
'I'm fine Myrtle, I just need to talk to you.' He crouched down, his loins burned and his heart ached, honestly Tobias was surprised it had not broke his ribcage.
'Oh, that's nice. My day has been great, no one has came in a spoken to me rudely. I was able to leave this bathroom, for the first time ever since I have died. Is that not exciting?' She beamed.
'Yes, yes, but-
-also, you haven't been the only one to speak to me. Someone else visited me today, three people actually. Although they left after asking how I died.' She dimmed.
'Who?' Tobias begged, he didn't have time.
'Your brother, his friend and that Gilderoy Lockhart.'
'Where did they go?'
'Down that sink, your brother hissed something at it.' Tobias ran to the brass sink.

He connected with the metal snake, eyes fixed, he hissed open. The entrance revealed itself and he wasted no time, he jumped in and came to a problem. It was a slide, did he scream, go whee, or lay silent. He went with silent, landing with a crunch. Bones. He shuddered and went forward, his wand outstretched, ears pricked up for any sound of movement. He made his way (with caution) down the long, large pipe. So this is why Hogwarts was freezing during the night. No wall insulation. He heard a soft muttering of a light hearted voice, Lockhart.

'Shut up will you, do you want to gain any more attention of anything else living down here?' Ron!
'Ron, it's me Tobias.' Tobias ran forward, his wand still ahead of him.

Tobias Potter// Second BookWhere stories live. Discover now