Pretty girl

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Cinderella was transformed from a girl who was mocked by her Step mother and sisters to an idolised princess who's beauty was breathe taking. Movies show us how the "less popular" girl/boy ends up getting the man or women of her/his dreams after a major make over. 

But what if there was no transformation? What if those who we've known for such a long time only see us at our best stages in life rather than the troublesome times that make us who we are? Well hey, welcome to my life. I get up early in the mornings to curl my hair, cover my face with makeup and spend hours picking out the best clothes. Though I use to do it for fun as it made me happy and comfortable, it's turned into a vital step in my morning routines otherwise I would feel ugly and bare. I envy those who are able to feel confident with or without makeup. My close friend  Olivia is the only one who has ever saw me without makeup; except my family of course.

beep beep beep beep

 "ughh, is it half six already?" I muttered as I staggered out of bed and started my morning routine. Olivia texted me just after I woke up saying how excited she was for the first day of college, I replied saying that guaranteed by the end of the week she's going to be complaining about her classmates, teachers and many more. The text messages went on for about thirty minutes before I realised I still haven't done my make up. I panicked and ran to my dressing table to quickly sort myself out, I ran outside to meet Olivia as she was humming  to her favourite song.

"oh god... Ellie are you okay?" she said as she offered me a cup of coffee

"f-fine... lets just start walking otherwise we're gonna be late" I breathed

we laughed and chatted as we quickly walked towards school, instantly a plethora of people surrounded us.

"you're so pretty, what mascara do you use?"

"want to join our club?"

" do you wanna grab lunch sometime?"

I smiled at everyone as we all walked into the school, I turned to look at Olivia and she's just rolled her eyes, I couldn't help but giggle, though it may seem sad to most people I find comfort in others compliments, I don't know how many times though Olivia has said that others opinion shouldn't matter... but its hard to just not care.

we entered the classroom and I took my seat next to Olivia's, but as she has a boyfriend, who is called Harvey, most of her attention is away from me so I just quietly do my work. However, this time there was another guy sitting with us. He had rich chocolatey brown hair which complimented his auric hazel eyes and his flawless jawline. his broad shoulders were perfectly framed by a V-neck maroon top and a black jacket.

"Hey guys, this is my best mate Zach " said Harvey

" why did you sound like one of those YouTubers?" laughed Olivia as she started getting her books out.

"oh yeah ahaha you did, hey guys welcome back to my channel, today we have a new guest his name is Zach and he's my best mate" I smirked, my gaze caught Zach, he didn't seem to laugh, instead he had an unamused look on his face.

"sorry..." me and Olivia said as we looked away slightly.

"Anyway, has Harvey mentioned me to you? " asked Olivia.

" Oh yeah he has, aren't you the crazy cat lady who steals his food every time you go his house?" Replied Zach as he looked at Harvey with a smile.

"Why you.." Olivia started beating Harvey with her bag then stopped saying how she cant help the fact she loves cats and pizza etc.,  then proceeded to whack him again. All the while I'm dying of laughter and Zach is just trying to hold back his giggles. 

Chance (Romantic Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now