{ P R O L O G U E }

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In a distant realm, there live powerful beings that govern many different worlds. Humans may call them gods, celestials, immortals, deities, and sometimes, devils. These existences know neither good nor bad, acting purely on whim and desire. However, there is one particular god who stands out from the masses of these omnipotent beings.

Fang Jie who is known for his good temperament has long straight hair as dark as charcoal; skin as smooth and clear as the purest jade; eyes like the color of universe, pitch black with smatterings of white, gold, and azure. Clad in white-layered robes with gold lining and with a slight upturn of his soft lips, Fang Jie makes for a good painting.

 Clad in white-layered robes with gold lining and with a slight upturn of his soft lips, Fang Jie makes for a good painting

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(My image of Fang Jie.)

This god can not be considered the most handsome nor the loveliest; neither the most powerful nor the weakest. However, he has one of the most unique ability among the gods. While other gods can summon lightning and thunder, can control the undead, Fang Jie has the Infinite Heart.

Infinite Heart, as the name implies, is the ability of the bearer to have an unlimited number of heart. Take one heart out and another grows back. Sounds weird? Yes. But this comes in very handy, especially among immortals. Feeling bored having to live a thousand years? Alright, remove the heart; thus, removing any emotions and memories accumulated in those years. And you get a heart that has completely reset. This ability is also referred to as Infinite Life.

Let's go back to Fang Jie. He does not freely uses his power. Just because of boredom, who would claw out their heart? Not him. However, there comes a day when he witnesses his lover being intimate with another immortal. His lover is cheating on him and he has no idea since when. This pain, this betrayal, this is his first time feeling them all. His heart feels like it's being trampled by a horde of three-horned bulls. When he loves, ah, how deeply he loves.

Days become weeks; weeks turn to months. A year, a decade, and a century passes by. Fang Jie has secluded himself in his glorious mountain peak, Xiao-ping Guo. For a long time the pain in his heart doesn't go away; instead, it worsens and has already touched the essence of his soul. If he doesn't do anything about it, this can give birth to an inner demon and consume him.

One day, Fang Jie's friend comes over. They have not seen each other in hundreds of years and he is quite surprised to see his friend's condition. Fang Jie welcomes him with a small smile. "So you still remember this little one, huh, brother."

This friend of him, when Fang Jie met him for the first time, had asked him to address him as brother. And this brother of his, to this day, has never given out his name.

"Ah Jie, what has happened to you?" intones the brother, worry and concern evident in his voice. He looks closely at this godling. The once bright and twinkling eyes are now dim; the usually rosy and puffy cheeks are now deathly pale and hollow. Ah who could possibly bully his little brother? Come, come, I won't kill you quickly. Just slowly and painfully.

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