3 | Off with your head

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Dedicated to Mia (goldenmars) for writing one hell of a book. A newfound story that I've loved from the beginning: After Five Years. Read it! It's so cool!


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I just stared at him in shock and I struggled to recover. When I finally did, I glared at him. I felt like punching a wall of some sort. God, he was so annoying. I don't even know why I'm so hostile but I really just want to punch the smirk off his face.

"Hi," I managed to say sweetly when I remembered that my mother was here.

"Oh you know each other?" Uncle Bart asked.

"Not really," I said at the same time Nate said "Yes".

"Oh this is perfect, they already know each other!" Aunt Sandra squealed.

"I'm thinking they're not that close but whatever, they know each other!" my mom squealed as well.

They were practically jumping up and down with huge smiles on their faces. And my mom said "whatever". To her, it's like a foreign language she doesn't understand.

Well this is weird. This is really really weird.

Uncle Bart just shook his head and laughed. He trudged behind his wife and my mom and left me alone with Nate.

"So, munchkin, I didn't know you were so..." he trailed off to find the perfect adjective.

"Blonde?" I said sarcastically.

"Yeah. I didn't know you were so blonde," he said.

"Well, I am and I would be really happy if you wouldn't tell anyone," I said and glared at him.

"I don't have any particular need of your happiness," he said with a devious smirk on his face.

"You wouldn't..." I said with a threatening look on my face.

"I would. In fact I could text the whole school right now," he said as he fished for his phone in his pocket. He started typing and I panicked. I grabbed for the phone but he was too fast and moved it away from my reach. I grasped his coat and tried to get the phone but he held it up in the air where I couldn't reach it.

"Urgh!" I said as I jumped up to reach it. "Give it to me!"

"Nope," he said, popping the 'p'.

"You're really immature," I said and crossed my arms on my chest.

"Says the one who was jumping up and down earlier," he said and laughed.

"I will have your head for this," I threatened but he didn't seem fazed.

"Sweetheart, they don't do that anymore. This isn't the sixteen hundreds," he said. "People are civilized. Well, some people."

"Whatever," I said and stomped my way towards the dining room.

"Off with your head!" Nate said in a rather girly voice and I can't help but smile.

It was actually funny but I was still pissed so I decided to not let him get to me. As long as he doesn't see me smile, I'm fine.

When we arrived at the kitchen, my mom and Aunt Sandra were still talking and squealing. Seriously, they're acting like 10 year olds. My mom sat at the middle and Uncle Bart and Aunt Sandra were sitting beside which made me stuck sitting beside Nate. When we took a seat, Nate took a lock of my hair and closely examined it.

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