Chapter 12 - Don't Mess With Fire

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Evie could not believe her eyes, was Dianna really being banished? Could that even happen? Magnus turned to the king, with pure rage in his eyes.

"This is injustice! Dianna wouldn't have done anything if people didn't treat the villain kids like juveniles." said Magnus, the king shook his head, Ben ran to Magnus,  now standing by his side with his father opposite him.

" Agreed, this wasn't any of their fault. Please father, reconsider." Ben said, his father turned to him with grief, Evie could tell by his eyes. His heart maybe soft as a father, but as a king? he could not afford to be soft.

Evie and the other villain kids rallied towards Dianna. Mal, with eyes as green as Maleficent's turned to king with pure rage.

"If you banish one of us, you banish all of us." said Mal, and it was then that the king's eyes went wide, but as he turned to Ben his eyes went soft oncemore.

"My mind has been made, Dianna will be returning to the Isle of the Lost, where she will stay until she redeems herself. Guards, take her." said the King, Magnus turned to Dianna as he embraced her. Two Auradonian guards came by their sides as they pulled Dianna off of Magnus, Evie could see Magnus' tears building up.

Evie turned to the other villain kids who, though looked sad, knew the only other possible way to help her friend. They knew they needed to get that wand. Evie looked down to her purse, and realised that she still had a hold of Harry's scarf.

"Wait! Dianna!" Evie said, as she ran towards Diana, Se grabbed hold of her as she untied the scarf and clasped it into her hands.  Dianna only embraced her as the guards tried to pry her off once more.

Evie ran to meet back with the other villain kids, but all of them put their fist on their heart, Evie was confused at first, but as soon as she did the same.

She felt it.

"Take care of yourselves alright? I'll be fine." said Dianna, but Dianna was so far away, it was then that Evie realised. They were speaking telepathically, Evie's eyes went wide.

"How come I didn't know we could do this? When could we do this?" Evie said, but no one answered. Mal grabbed Evie's arm as they ran to the furthest cafeteria table laid outside in the school garden.

They all sat in silence, all four of them turned to each other as they nodded. Evie heard everyone. Not out loud, but in her mind. Tendrils of the villain kids crawling through her mind.

"Evie, you didn't know about this cause you were too busy doing Chad's homework. Which I hope you tore apart and threw in a fire." Jay said, the villain kids laughed. Evie rolled her eyes.

"I miss Dianna already. This is stupid, why  does she get banishment and not Audrey? Audrey started it anyway." said Evie, the other villain kids nodded.

"We can't do anything about it now. The only way we can help is by getting that wand I suggest we-" Mal cut her self off, and Evie turned to where she was staring, and Audrey, with Jane, hands crossed against their chests. Evie stared into Audrey's eyes, an icy cold wave took over her as she stood up.

"How's your hand Audrey? Still scorched? Serves you right. You should never mess with fire." Evie said, with a smile spread across her face. Even though she was really about to bawl her eyes out. Her friend was banished, and the entire island of Auradon seemed to be against the idea of them living here, what else could go wrong?

Evie felt a tug on her hair, Jane, smirked as she crept towards Mal. "You should probably hit the road, your highness."

Evie almost lost it.

"When are you going to realise that you're just the bad girl infatuation. He's never going to make a villain a queen." Evie turned to Mal and prayed to whatever gods that were watching that Mal would control herself, she will not lose another friend.

Jane and Audrey walked away, Evie knew it was all just a bravado. Because as soon as Mal stood up and lifted her spell book, they ran like rats being chased by cats. Mal turned to the rest of the villain kids in sheer anger.

"Lets blow this popsicle stand."

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