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saturday, april 17th, 2017 

entry number 106 ; kim namjoon

i went out for the day today. a café, to be exact.

while i was there, i saw someone that seemed, interesting, to say the least.

she looked different from everyone else.

maybe it was because of the all-black outfit she wore that made her stand out from everyone there, at least to me.

i wanted to talk to her, and i did, and learned that she is indeed, different.
mainly because when i offered her my number, asking if we could talk again one day, she refused.

the thing that made her feel different was not only the outfit she wore, but also the fact that she doesn't believe in love.

i don't know what came over me, but the sudden want to change that took over me.

i want to change that;
but i don't know where to start.


hey guys :) new story, and this ones about our baby boy, namjoon :)

this story's going to be written in a journal/diary format, because i felt that was the best way i would be able to write this story.

a note i must add is that; the plot for this story is not mine. it was created by the incredible author, who also happens to be here on wattpad, vajoyna.

i recommend that you also check out her books as well, considering the fact that she's incredible at writing.

anyways, on that note, i'll cya later :) <3

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