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Excuse all the horrible mistakes, this story is gonna be fun to right; hell all my stories will be. I must remind you this is a kinky story; Enjoy or Fake It!

Renee's POV
My small world was stretching like bubblegum, wearing out everyday, the moon was always coming while the sun never does. My sophomore year is slowly coming to an end, I'm not ready to become a junior.

I wanted my college life to go slow, make more memories; but here I am at 12:30am trying to study for my exams. I've been studying for three weeks, but nothing wants to stay; I thought as I closed the worn out Shakespeare book.

My name is Renee Styles, I'm almost twenty years old & I'm a sophomore soon to be junior at a local university in California. When I came to this college, a lot thought I was gonna be some sort of whore who sleeps around.

I don't know why they got that idea, is it the way I dress, I calmly asked myself as I rose from my bed & entered the small bathroom. Pulling the hair tie out I let my dark blonde wavy curls fall.

I'm what they call a social outcast, I have one friend & that's my gay brother Harry; funny his whole name is Harry Styles. The one direction member, with the glorious long curly hair?

Does that ring a bell, I question as I began brushing my teeth; after that I quickly combed my hair then headed to bed. That's if I could sleep, I have a hell of day tomorrow, I'm gonna fail these exams.


The soft noise of birds entered my bedroom, the sun peered through the thin curtains that covered the French windows. Grabbing my phone that rested on the white nightstand, the screened glowed.

My eyes were foggy with boogies, wiping my eyes; I checked the time to see it was 9:30, dropping my phone I sprang to my feet. Instantly regretting it because my feet began to tingle, rushing into my closest I dressed.

I was late for my exams, I was late for breakfast; the most important meal of the day, well according to spongebob. Once dressed I grabbed an apple off the fruit stand in the lobby of the condo.

God Mr. Harrison is gonna kill me I thought as I unlocked my 90's ford truck, hopping in I started the ignition & drove to the campus. I'm just hoping something went wrong, a fire drill something!

Once at the school I quickly shuffled my legs into the building to only hear Rita the Spanish secretary holler. "Ralentizar señorita" she shouts making me come to a sudden stop, rolling my eyes I continued up the stairs.

As I rounded the corner, I was stopped by Alex the schools nerd "take it easy Mr. Harrison isn't here today. The exams are tomorrow" how does he know I'm here for exams, and thank freaking god!

Why doesn't this school send out messages about these things, I question as I silence my phone; "but you better get to class." Alex utters as he stops at the water fountain, rolling my eyes I continued walking to class.

Walking into the class room, an older lady sits in Mr. Harrison's chair, "you must be Renee Styles?" She questions before slipping her glasses back on, "yeah that's me; sorry for being late" I apologize before climbing the small stairs to the back.

"Out with your gay brother" one of the college players ask as they turn in their seat, "no I over slept dipshit!" I shout as I relax in the chair, hoping to reclaim my breath, "whatever whore."

He utters under his breath, "at least I can come up with better comebacks," I whisper before opening my notebook. That held all my notes from freshman year till now, let's see where shall I start?

As I fiddled with my blue pen & read over notes; the bell dinged letting us know the hour has changed. Checking my phone to see it was 10:30, time for break I thought as I packed my things, time to go sit under a tree.

**I don't have college experience, so my college knowledge is 💩**

Once at my selected tree I sat down & went back to my book, I love Shakespeare Romeo & Juliet is my favorite. It's a famous classic read, confusing but amazingly written, I'm a theatre fan; some people love Twilight & Riverdale.

I like extremely old plays & hallmark movies, I thought as I turned the page; "Renee" someone suddenly shouted. Looking up I saw Harry skipping over to me, checking the time it was only 10:46?

"What are you doing here Harry" I ask as he plops down beside me, "just visiting; I heard you woke up late?" How does he know that "yeah I did but don't worry I barely missed a thing, exams are tomorrow."

I utter as I close my book & turn to face Harry as he began talking about his job at Orton Towers; "is it rough?" I question as I play with Snapchat "well my boss is hot as hell, he's having me do stupid things, how do you think it's going?"

He questions with a giggle "how old is he anyways like 52," I question as I look up this Randy Orton guy. Unlucky me there wasn't a pic to be seen, does he have any social media; I question as I research.

"He's 33 and absolutely gorgeous, me being the unlucky one; I've only seen him in a suit, his wife or girlfriend gets to see everything!" Rolling my eyes "you better get going, I have to get back to class."

Kissing his cheek I rose from the grass with my backpack; "love you" I shout before heading to my next class. History what a joy, let's not talk about presidential campaign, let's talk about world wars & historic things!

Sorry for the weird ending, I can already say you'll love HARRY. It's only chapter One & I love gay Harry. The story seriously doesn't get 'interesting' until chapter three. I still hope this story is good enough to read, please let me know if I should edit! Kisses & thanks for reading!!!!
- K

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