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NICK HAD MADE UP a plan. A possible stupid plan, but a plan nonetheless. He was going to force his stupid crush on Peter away.

No one knows about said plan because no one knows about the crush and no one knows he's gay; other than Olivia Green, and she still doesn't about the plan. Nick knew she'd probably try to talk him out of it, so he kept it under wraps and went on with life. Because, maybe, if the crush goes away then maybe, possibly, he will never have to come out to his parents – or anyone, really. The plan went farther into where he would never gain any feelings towards another boy, either. Which, he knew was dumb, but that was the plan anyway.

It was already failing.

It hadn't been up until Thursday afternoon, because Nick successfully avoided Peter during school and they texted after school as they worked together on the power point on Google Docs. It had been easy, and Nick stupidly thought it was going to work.

Peter had suggested to go visit Dr. Connors at Oscorp, a doctor who was experimenting on and working on cell regeneration – the boys' project topic. The Parker boy made an appointment to do so and everything (well, his Aunt May did; Peter was too awkward), so after school on Thursday, they both headed towards the Oscorp building. With every passing moment, Nick wanted to leave or be unnecessarily rude to Peter, because then maybe his plan would work. With every passing moment, Nick's feelings were just becoming more noticeable to him as Peter did every little thing. It fucking annoyed the boy.

A permanent scowl had appeared on Nick's face because of it, though he still gave kind smiles to his project partner and didn't dare act rude as they continued their way to the Oscorp building. Once they got there, they were let through after getting checked by security and telling the middle aged lady at the desk that they had a small meeting of sorts with Curtis Connors.

The man had mostly gray, neat hair and glasses perched on his nose. A white lab coat covered his button up shirt and nice pants. He also had one arm. Nick didn't know what he was expecting the scientist to look like, maybe something a bit like Einstein or just generally messy. Instead, Curtis Connors was an organized man with a smart head on his shoulders. Though, Nick was intimidated by him despite the kindness that the man displayed.

After introductions were said and greetings were given, Dr. Connors said, "Now from the phone call, my understanding is that your project is on cell regeneration. But do you two want me to give you the scientific back ground of it, or is just talk about it?"

Nick and Peter looked at each other for a second before back to the man in front of them, the two of them shifting in the seats some as they silently figured out who should speak up first. Nick was the one who spoke up for them both, "If it's possible, we'd just like to have you explain it a bit more before our presentation tomorrow. You know, make sure we don't have anything wrong."

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